Chapter Five : My Trial

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The next morning we resume training and, as Coran promised, it wasn't as bad as the day before. We form Voltron on our first try and head to the sitting room to take a break. "Great job with training today, guys. We're really getting the hang of forming Voltron," Shiro congratulates.

"Seriously, did you guys see how far my kick sent that broken alien spaceship, that must have been at least a mile," Lance says smugly.

"Yeah, that will come in real handy when the Galra challenges us to a soccer match," Keith retorts.

I nod, "He kinda has a point, Lance."

Lance gets up in Keith's face, "Hey, I did something cool and you can't handle it. I get it," and then he turns to me, "And Tori quit siding with him, would you."

I cross my arms and glare at him, "Your kick ruined our balance! Violet's head may be on Voltron's chest but that doesn't mean she and I don't feel pain when we're hit in the back!"

"Hey the falling part was Hunk's fault," Lance whines.

Hunk had just succeeded in removing his helmet, which often got stuck because of how tight it was on him, but he'd heard what Lance had said. "Hey!" he complains.

"Alright enough, save it for when we're fighting Zarkon," Shiro orders as he sits down in a chair.

Alec walks in and sits down next to me, "V, why the heck are you always siding with Keith on things?" he whispers.

I shrug, "Because nine times out of ten he's way more logical than Lance," I whisper back.

Then we hear groaning and look up. Coran had brought in... 'Oh, sweet baby pegasi what is that!' I think staring at the platter.

"Coran you just got me used to that food goo and now you do this?" Hunk complains.

"It's packed with nutrients!" Coran assures.

I stare at the mass, it looks like something the half-vultures would eat at lunch back home, "It looks like it's packed with worms," I gag.

"That smells disgusting," Alec whimpers covering his nose, his sense of smell is like a lion's so when something smells bad it really bothers him.

"That's how you know it's healthy!" Coran exclaims.

Hunk gags, "Coran we're on a planet with fresh herbs, spices, and whatever this thing is," he pulls a plant out of his pocket, where and when he acquired it I have no idea, "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go spice things up." Hunk then disappears into the kitchen.

Shiro looks around, "Where's Pidge?"

I look up, "He said something about wanting to talk to the prisoners." Then I gag as I watch Coran eat a spoonful of the gunk.

Shiro rises from his chair and as he tries to leave Coran tries to force him to try the... stuff, "Open up the hatch. Lion incoming!"

Shiro puts up his hand and pushes the spoon away from his face, "No. Just no."

"You don't even know what you're missing!" Coran whines.

Keith, Lance, and I also turn him down as he tries the same thing on us. When he tries to with Alec my poor friend runs out of the room, his hand over his mouth. "Is he okay?" Keith asks.

I sigh, "Since we're half-animal we have the same senses as the animal we represent. Alec, being half-lion, has a stronger sense of smell than most. As a result, the spoon being pushed in his face like that probably overloaded his senses with that smell meaning he probably went to go puke. I'll check on him later." Then I shoot Coran a glare as he starts to approach me again, "My answer isn't going to change Coran so don't even try."

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