Indiana Lane and Luthor... Lena Luthor.

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Lois stood staring at the the 1964 Aston Martin DB5. It was sleek and silver with mirrors set further forward near either bumper and a slightly raised intake on the hood. Over a third of the car was nose, and the back window curved down slowly to help manage wind resistance. While the words, James Bonds' car! jumped around in her brain, what Lois actually said was, "You're shitting me!"

Raising one eyebrow, Lena sniffed politely as she walked past Lois to the right side of the car and said, "I don't believe I've ever done any such thing."

"Hey, I thought you were dri—" Looking down at the license plate that stated 'LL007', Lois became momentarily distracted. When she looked up, Lena had climbed into the passenger side, so the reporter headed over to the driver's side and pulled open the door. "Hey, I thought you said you were...?" A look of dawning realisation crossed her face as she also climbed in. "Oh, the wheel's on that side. How British. You know, I'm getting a very James Bond vibe about all this, which is quite frankly awesome." Lois ran a hand appreciatively over what looked to be either a very, very antiquated GPS device, or some kind of radar scanner in the centre of the dash console beneath the radio.

Lena started the car with a healthy thrum of the engine, which received an excited chuckle from the passenger's side, then she checked her mirror before putting the car into reverse and pulling out of the space. "I need to stop by my place before we head to the warehouse. I just need to pick something up."

"Ok, sure," Lois looked around at the cabin of the vehicle with its dark leather seats, brown, wide steering wheel, numerous dials and odd switches and covered things that seemed out of place. "Hey, you know this really REALLY looks likes James Bond's car. Is it like some kind of replica? Are you a secret James Bond fanatic?"

Clearing her throat, the young CEO pulled carefully out into traffic. "Well, it is a 1964 Aston Martin DB5, the same model that was used in Goldfinger. So yes, you could say it's a James Bond car."

"I did say it. Well, I said it was like it, not that it was it. Because that would be insane."

"Did you know there were two of them?"

"Two of what?"

"There were two identical cars used in the movie - two cars used by James Bond. One was used for many of the close up scenes, and the other was the one that was actually outfitted with many of the gadgets and devices seen in the movie. It's what was called the 'props cars'," Lena informed casually as she drove the stick shift vehicle like it was second nature to her.

Lois blinked several times, taking that all in. "Oh. Well, I guess that makes sense. They trashed about seven of the ten DB10s in Spectre. So, did you buy one of those Bond cars, then?"


"Oh." Lois deflated back into her seat and pulled out her phone. "So this is just a regular, mundane Aston that just looks like the one from the film? Boring. Quaint, but boring. I'm going to start on my calls."

"In 1997, the props car went missing from a warehouse where it was being stored in Florida."

It was such a casual, throwaway comment, it was almost as if she'd been talking about the weather. But it had the desired effect as Lois sat bolt upright again, turning to smile at the CEO as her eyes lit up with hope "Alright I'm listening. What happened to it?"

Lena shrugged. "No one knows. The insurance company paid out the claim - over a million dollars in liability. It's become one of life's great mysteries, and no one has ever seen the car again." Turning to look at Lois briefly, a sly little smile touched Lena's lips and she shrugged. Almost as if there was something funny - an inside joke, or something only she knew. "No one."

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