broken hearted

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Today was the day I would become the wife of Dakota Laden, a day that I wanted to be full of happiness and love but one person decided to ruin that by telling Dakota a lie about something that never happened and it started when I was already standing in front of him at the alter, I noticed he didn't look happy but when I was about to ask him what was bothering him he spoke up and told everyone that he refused to marry me and that was when I seen Jayk sitting down next to my mom who was clearly upset about what she just heard.

Luna: can we talk about this before you regret what you're going to say next.

Dakota: why don't you ask Jayk since you're so fond of him...

Luna: I am not fond of him, what is your problem?

Dakota: my problem? My problem is the woman I love is sleeping behind my back when I'm working.

I grabbed his hand and we walked outside and begun talking about this alone.

Luna: I love you Dakota and I haven't done what you're accusing me of.

Dakota: so why all of a sudden am I hearing about it now?

Luna: because Jayk wants me for himself and I haven't touched him since me and you have been together.

Dakota: he says you slept with him

Luna: well he lied to you...

Dakota: I hate doing this on our wedding day but I think we should  take a break...

Luna: no Dakota please don't... I love you not him, please believe me.

Dakota: I'm sorry Luna but I can't, I need time to think about this.

I watched as he slowly walked away from me while I cried out for him while tears ran down my face, I knew that us getting back together would be a long shot but I decided to give Dakota what he wanted and as for Jayk well me and him would be having a long talk which would be sooner than I thought.

Jayk: he doesn't deserve you Luna.

Luna: I hope you're happy because you just ruined my life.

Jayk: me and you belong together

Luna: no we don't, I never want to see you again Jayk.

Jayk: you don't know what you're saying, you love me and you can't deny it anymore Luna so just admit it.

Luna: you ruined my life! Just go away and never contact me again.

Jayk: fine just don't come looking for me when he breaks your heart.

He walked away and I headed home and tried to get Dakota to text me back but he never did so I did the only thing I could do and that was to move out of Dakota's home and get me a place of my own again...

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