no looking back.

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After Luna arrived at my house we shared our first kiss, I knew us being together was going to hard considering I traveled a lot and the fact that she couldn't come with me and I remember her telling me about some guy she knows that has feelings for her, I didn't want anyone stealing her away from me now that she is my girlfriend. The next morning come quickly and I was woken up by the sound of my alarm clock ringing telling me that I needed to get ready before I had to fly out of the state for a week but when I return home I was going to ask Luna if she will move in with me, it seems like a big risk but I have known her since we met in New York a year ago and I seen myself settling down and raising a family with her.

I climbed out if bed and slowly packed. My mind wandered back to last night when we both kissed each other which made me smile. I had just finished packing when I heard her sweet voice coming from behind me, I turned around quickly and seen her standing there while wearing one of my shirts which looked amazing on her.

Luna: leaving already?

Dakota: I'm afraid so, I wish you could come with me but I don't want anything bad happening to you.

Luna: I understand, just know I will be here waiting for you.

Dakota: I was going to ask when I returned but I was thinking, would you move in with me?

Luna: Yes Dakota I will... I love you.

Dakota: I love you too Luna. I will see you when I return home

I gave her a kiss before I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

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