you're my world

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It has been three weeks since I last spoke with Luna which was the day of our wedding which didn't go well considering a guy that has been trying to hook up told me some unfortunate news a day before the wedding, I found out that it was a lie about her sleeping with this guy that I didn't know anything about. I was thinking of ways on how to work things out with her because she was the one girl I wanted to settle down with and have kids.

I was at the office with Zak and Aaron while they talked about new locations for a new season of the show.

Zak: what do you think Dakota?

Dakota: I'm sorry, what did you say? 

Aaron: where is your mind at?  This isn't like you Dakota, you're usually pitching ideas but you haven't been focused since...well you know.

Zak: if this has something to do with Luna dude I promise you if she loves that she will come back.

Dakota: I just want things to go back to the way they were between me and her, I called things off on our wedding day because of a lie

Zak: I can't promise things will return to normal as they were before but if you both love each other than I promise things will work out for the better.

Aaron: go talk to Luna, I know she wants to see you Dakota because she still loves you dude.

I looked at Aaron as he was handing me my phone with text messages from her and read them carefully, I know what Aaron did and I was thankful he did that for me.

Dakota: thank you Aaron.

Aaron: no problem now go get your girl back.

I quickly walked out to my car and drove to the place where she wanted to meet and I seen her sitting at a table while she held onto her coffee, I could tell that she had been crying because her eyes were red and I knew that had to be my fault but if things worked out I was going to make it up to her everyday I made her cry.

Dakota: Luna...

Luna: Dakota... I've missed you.

She stood up quickly and wrapped her arms around my neck and placed her head on my shoulder while I slowly wrapped my around her chest and held her close

Dakota: I've missed you too.

Luna: what you heard was a lie, I never slept with---

I put my hand up and she stopped talking as we both sat down... I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes before I begun to speak to her about it.

Dakota: I know it was a lie and I should have listened to your side of the story, you have every right to be upset at me for the hurt I put you through... I am sorry Luna.

Luna: can we work things out? 

Dakota: I wanna know what happened between you and this guy that wants your affection

She told me everything that happened between her and him while I listened to every word.

Dakota: I'm willing to work things out between us but only if you agree on doing one thing for me.

Luna: I will do anything for you.

Dakota: can we get married because you're the one I want to be with for the rest of my life and the one I want to be the mother of my children. You are my world and I don't want to live without you. I love you so much Luna.

Luna: I love you Dakota and I would love to be the mother of your children and your wife, you are the one that I want to spend my life with so yes I will marry you.

*author notes*

I have decided to put this story on hold until I can get things in order again but until then continue to read and vote along with following and letting me know how I am doing.

Anyone who follows me will get a follow back

Bye for now! ❤️

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