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I have been living in Vegas for two years now and I finally gotten noticed after uploading a video of myself dancing on YouTube, it reached half a million views and I have gotten countless subscribers over night. I decided to celebrate but wanted to with a friend since David couldn't because he was out of town for the next three weeks so I decided to message Jayk and see if he wanted to celebrate which he agreed, I told him to meet me at our usual hang out spot and we would go from there... We went to a local bar and grill than to the beach while we watched the sun going down over the water.

Jayk: I can't believe you are getting noticed so quickly, I am proud of you Luna.

Luna: I can't believe it either,  thank you Jayk... I have goosebumps just thinking about it. I never thought it would happen so fast, I feel like I'm dreaming...

Jayk: I can assure you it isn't a dream, have you told your brother about your success?

Luna: not yet but I will when he gets back, he will be gone for another three weeks.

Jayk: I am sure he will be more than happy for you...

Luna: are you okay?

Jayk: yeah, I will be okay...

Luna: you can talk to me about anything that is bothering you

Jayk: it is something that we have already discussed.

Luna: I know that I told you that we would always be friends but I can't be anything else but that...

Jayk: why are you scared of admitting that you feel the same way about me?

Luna: because I don't want to lose you Jayk...

Jayk: you are never going to lose Luna, I love you.

Luna: I love you too but I am scared of what could happen.

He gave me a quick smile before walking towards me and kissing my lips gently. The truth was I couldn't be with him because of a previous relationship I was in, I had come home after working late and he was drunker than he normally was and I didn't remember anything after he raped me which got me sent to the hospital and he was arrested for it, which is why I moved here months after it happened and having a miscarriage as well...

Jayk: you look upset, do you wanna talk about it?

Luna: yeah but not here, can we go back to my place and talk?

Jayk: of course...

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