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So I went back out again to go shopping, I went into Gucci and got sean a watch, and a rucksack. Then I went into Armani and got him a shirt, after that I went to tom ford and I bought him a grey suit. As much as all of that cost loads, I didn't think it was much and I was rich and it was pretty much nothing. I needed to get him something more heartfelt. So after going into a card shop to get him a birthday card, I thought for a while.

What would really make him happy...

At first I thought about going to his parents and getting them to come to Sean on his birthday and accept him, but I know his parents would never come around.

And then It hit me... sean had told me that he had always wanted to go to London, but he never had! So I rushed off to the travel agency, and got us two first class tickets to London in two weeks time (in two weeks it would be the summer holidays) we would leave the day after school finished.

So then I called the limo to pick me up and take me home, luckily Sean wasn't back yet.

I rushed up to my room, got some wrapping paper and rapped up the watch, rucksack, shirt and suit.

Then I put the tickets into an envelope and put a bow on it. At that moment I heard a car pulling up In the driveway, I looked out the window and Sean got out of the car. So I quickly shoved the presents under the bed and went downstairs to greet Sean.

We chatted, had dinner,  went for a swim, but not once did Sean mention his birthday.

After we had finished swimming we went upstairs and we were just about to go to bed when I realised that I hadn't written Sean's card. So I got it out and wrote this.

Dear Sean,
Happy birthday,
I know we haven't know each other long but I hope you have the best day, and after all you've been through this week, just know that I will always love you,
From Luke xx

Then I put the tickets in the envelope and sealed it off. I went into to say goodnight to Sean, but just as I opened my door, He was standing there.

"I wanted to say goodnight" he said and then he walked up to me and pushed his lips against mine. 'Oh sean' I mumbled and he pushed me onto my bed as the kiss deepened. I had never felt something so intense before. My fifteen year old body pushing against his. Then as we got tired we slowly stopped, got undressed, and he slept In my bed with his arm around me. 'He is so sweet' I thought.

And before I knew it my alarm was going off and Leo was licking mine and Sean's faces.

He looked at me with a sad look on his face.

"Morning" he said In a dull tone.

"Sean, I know why your grumpy" I said "...and don't be"

I reached under my bed and got all his presents. He looked at me in shock.

"Whaaa... but... how... how did you know!" He said.

"You left your diary on your desk, and I saw it" I replied

"You are the sweetest" he said and kissed me.

He opened the card, smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss. "Thanks" he said gratefully. "No problem, happy sixteenth" I replied, then he noticed the tickets to London. He looked at them for a few seconds and it took him a while to realise what they were, but when he did he screamed. "OHHHH MYYY GODDDDD, thankyou so much, this is the beast birthday EVERRRRR, I can't wait!!! We are going in TWO WEEKS! YAYYYY! I am so excited, I love you Luke!!!"
I chuckled "I love you too, Here open these"  and I gave him the rest of his presents.

He opened the Armani shirt first and then the watch and after that the rucksack. He opened the suit last and after that he just looked at me... "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou" he said and he gave me a tight hug.

"No problem" I said and then the doorbell rang. Only I knew who it was. It was the delivery man. Last night I had ordered Sean and iPhone XS max, an Apple Watch and AirPods.

"Why don't you get that Sean?" I Said and I listened to him dash down the stairs, open the front door, collect that parcel and then I heard a scream.

"Oh my god" Sean's voice rang through the house, then he ran upstairs, rushed into my room and gave me a hug "thanks so much" he said then Lucy came in and told us to get ready for school and the smile wiped off of Sean's face...

" are we... are we gonna tell anyone about us" Sean said
"I honestly don't mind" I replied
"I hate all the people at school, they used to be so nice and then they changed. They are all such dicks now" he said

"I don't really know them, but whatever they do I will stick up for you, but we need to get ready now"  I said "happy birthday Sean!"

We got ready and went in the limo to school, we walked through the gates and went straight into our form room and sat down. Sean didn't talk to his friends until the last lesson of the day when they came up to him. I watched from across the classroom and I couldn't hear much but I did hear them apologising. Not long after, Sean got up stood on the desk and (ignoring the teacher yelling at him to come down) He said this "hi people, just to let you know... I'm gay" he took a deep breath "now many of you people will not like that... but what's wrong with being gay, well nothing! People think it's bad but I just want to be who I am and I am not going to let anyone stop me. If you don't like it then you can fuck off! I don't care what anyone thinks of me... I'm just gonna be myself."

My heart went out for him.

There was a few seconds silence and then everyone started clapping but they stopped when the teacher yelled "SEAN, GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM THIS INSTANT!"

*thanks for reading guys, I hope you are enjoying this book so far. Please leave a comment and say any improvements/suggestions or just say how you feel about the book, thanks*

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