Suddenly a Riser, a girl of 18, bared her yellow colored teeth that rotted into its gums that bled so much that it was running in a torrent of fetid swamp water that was acidic...and bit into Mary's right hand.
Then, in a matter of seconds, the horrific ripping of tendons and muscles burst in a stream of flesh; arteries ripped, then burst, as the Zombie fed her insatiable hunger that couldn't, and wouldn't be denied, as more flesh were eaten, as the mania was upped to become an Apocalyptic fury, in which Hell was like Heaven...because in Louisiana, Hell was nothing compared to the mania that fuelled a horror that was beyond words to explain what was happening all across America...a horror that didn't end, as the night continued, and everyone became infected by the Zombies.
Page 16
HorrorAfter the Zombie crisis in New York, LA, and Atlanta, Georgia, the Infected roam the Southern city of Louisiana, as well as New Orleans. As a new group of girls have a slumber party near the Louisiana Swamps of one of the girls, as her parents go o...