Oh my

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[ninten P.O.V]
I woke up to sound of my alarm clock I got up to click the snooze button, knew it was Saturday but, I quickly looked at the clock that said 6:00 am, I might as well gotten up since I was awake, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I go to the kitchen to get a cereal and there's a letter from my mom

Hey sweetie sorry for not informing you before but I'm gonna be gone for a couple days, the office called in at the last moment and need me, I left food in the fridge and please take care of your sisters while I'm gone I love all of you lots of kisses~

-love mom~

I wasn't surprised, mom would usually would be gone for a while well, most of the time. I walked in Minnie and Mimmie's room to see if they were awake because they surprisingly get up pretty early, to my surprise they were asleep I mean it does make sense it is the weekend (luckily) I go to the kitchen again to make myself some coffee when I here a *BING* I look over at my phone and go towards it. I pick it up to see who it could be to my surprise it was claus. It said

Claus: hey, your probably not up yet but, me, Lucas and his friend are going to the beach tomorrow wanna come again once you get this

I waited a few minutes not to look creepy (honestly me fam) then I answer (THEN HE STRIKES nah I'm messing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ninten: sure! I would love to but I uuuh well you see my mom is out and I don't have any babysitters at the moment so do you mind if they go??

Claus: typing...

Claus: it's perfectly fine! Also what are you doing up so early??

Ninten: i could ask you the same thing, my reasoning is because my alarm clock when off and I was already awake so I decided to get up what about you especially since you texted me at this hour

Claus: weeeeeell i couldn't sleep and right now I'm getting coffee and I was bored so I decided to tell you early ;)

Ninten: well alright then :)
We talked for about an hour and I was laughing at his dumb stupid jokes and occasionally he would send voicemails that would make me blush a bit. It was 8:03 I decided to get up and make breakfast for my lil' sisters for when they woke up, I had nothin planned for today so I decided to just stay hear. After I ate I washed my dishes and plopped on the coach, I was bored so I watched Netflix. What I thought was an eternity I heard my doorbell and I looked at the window, WHO THE FU- who was out there. I opened open the door and it's Ana (ahaha you thought it was gonna be claus but no it was a BI- it was Ana don't worry he'll have a more gayer entrance then that lmao im sorry let's continue) "hay ninten hows it going?? I was dropping by to see how the projects going", "it would be better if you would actually HELPED" she looked at me with anger and sass and said "I am a very busy girl you know" I looked at her and at this point I couldn't care less about her and I slammed the door on her face, I go to my run angry about the situation, I wanted to get her outta my life but, how??

(Thx everyone for 113 views I REALLY freaking appreciate it ILYG and I hope your enjoying the cringey fanfic also go check out "lovesick" if your interested in nesscas it's made by Pknesu  and there a great person and there story is great˚✧₊ົ⁎⁺˳✧༚)

Clausten cause why not ٩( ᐛ )وWhere stories live. Discover now