Chapter Ten

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Unlike Allie and Lauren, Dane and Train actually formed a bond fairly easily despite having little in common. Their interactions were always more civilized.

"So does your kid have a name yet?" Train asked.

"I don't think so. I don't even know when she's expected to give birth."

"You should be there."

"I know. But, what can I do now?"

"If I've learned anything in life it's this — you fight for things worth fighting for. If it's important enough, you will always find a way. Maybe the relationship between you and your baby's mum is unfixable, but you need to at least be there for her and your baby."

"Are you speaking from experience?"

"Me and Caleb's mother don't always see eye to eye, but at the end of the day, she knows she can count on me and I'm involved in my son's life."

"May I ask why you guys split up?"

"It's... complicated."

"Complicated how?"

"Nothing wrong with me, nothing wrong with her, we're just not right for each other."

Dane and Train were heading back to camp when they spotted Lauren walking in the distance. She seemed disoriented and Allie was not with her, which was a cause for concern.

"Lauren!" Dane called out.

Lauren didn't seem to hear or see them.

"What's wrong with her?" Train asked. "She looks a little lost. And why isn't she with Allie?"

"Great questions," Dane said. "They had another fight perhaps?"

"Come on, we need to see if she's alright."

Concerned for her and Allie's well-being, they surrounded Lauren and made sure she was alright.

"Is everything okay?"

"Did you get lost?"

"Tell us what's wrong."

"Where's Allie?"

"What happened to your head?"

The questions spilled out and she was overwhelmed.

"I was attacked," she said.

"Attacked? By who?" Dane asked.

"A man... no, there were two of them. Allie fought them off."

"Where's Allie?" Dane said, standing up to look for her. "Is she okay?"

"I think so... I don't know."

"Can you show me where you came from?" Dane asked.

"She said something about unfinished business."

Train helped Lauren to her feet.

"Which direction did you come from?" Dane repeated.

"That way," she said, pointing with her finger.

"Train, take Lauren back to camp and have Lynn look at her."

"What about you?" Train asked.

"I'm going to look for Allie."

Dane only had a vague instruction of where to locate Allie, but that was enough. She was part of his tribe now and he had developed a soft spot for her. Wasting no time, he took off running, yelling out Allie's name.

Train scooped Lauren up with his hulking muscles and carried her back to camp. When he arrived, everyone gathered around to see what was the matter.

"What happened?" Lynn asked.

"She was attacked by some men," Train said.

"What men?"

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Are you hurt?"

With growing concern, everyone had questions, but one cut through the noise.

"Where's Dane and Allie?" Mr. Camouflage asked.

"I don't know where Allie is, but Dane went looking for her."

"You guys weren't supposed to split up."

"I can go with someone to look for them," Mauricio volunteered.

"No, everyone stays," Mr. Camouflage commanded. "Dane and Allie can take care of themselves. We need to remain together as a group."

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