Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Several vehicles pulled up aggressively to the theme park and skidded to a stop. Seconds later, a squad of boots hit the ground and fanned out. The armed guards protected their king. Daxon was the last one to exit and was accompanied by a large man with an impeccable physique. From what Dane and Allie had observed, the man remained by his side at all times.

The air was crisp and a bit chilly, but invigorating. Dane and Allie took in a deep breath and stretched their legs. They weren't as on edge as the others since they had spent a few days at the theme park and knew that it would be deserted. They looked back at their time at the park and were glad to put that ordeal behind them.

"Where to, Ronin?" Daxon asked his head of security.

Dane didn't realize his group was already at the park and in hiding. They saw the military trucks pull up and thought the worst.

"Just a quick hike up that way," Dane said, pointing in the direction in which he had come.

"Okay team, let's move out," Ronin commanded. "Stay alert."

The military group followed Dane and Allie into the woods.

Back at the theme park, the rest of the Dark Circle squad came out of hiding and began to inspect the vehicles.

"What do you think, Train?" the Professor asked.

"Their definitely military, but in this world, that isn't saying much," Train responded.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked.

"After the war, there were a lot of things stolen and abandoned. These vehicles could have been picked up by anyone."

"Where did they go?" Lynn asked.

"Not sure, but when they return, we better not be here."

"Sir, I'm picking up movement," one of the soldiers said.

Dane was within earshot and replied, "That must be them. Train! Lauren!" he began shouting.

"Quiet," Ronin commanded, sounding annoyed. "We need to establish a—"

Before he could finish his statement, a lone bullet whistled through the trees and struck him in the chest. Direct hit. The impact caused him to lose balance and fall backward.

"Captain!" one of the men shouted.

More bullets from an unknown enemy cut through the dense forest and found their targets.

"Take cover!"

Ronin found cover behind a tree. He removed his glove and slipped his bare hand underneath his armour. Fortunately, the bullet did not penetrate the chest plate. Returning to the action, Ronin commanded his troops.

"Alpha team, spread out."

Dane and Allie were in the middle of a firefight with no weapons or protection.

"Dane, are these your people firing at us?"

"No, my people don't have guns."

"Maybe they acquired guns."

"Not likely. They could barely find water. Besides, they are not soldiers and would never fire first."

"I need a gun!" Allie demanded to a nearby soldier.

"Negative, you're a civilian."

Refusing to be a passive bystander, Allie removed a handgun from one of the soldiers and took off running.

"Hey, get back here!"

"Talk to me," Ronin said into the headset. "What's happening?"

"Sir, the girl stole one of my guns and ran off with it. What should I do?"

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