every girl's dream

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the group of royal guards recruited two more hylians that were your age. a boy and a girl. the boy had short black hair and bright green eyes. the girl was a little short, her long blonde hair suiting her nicely with a pair of brown, hazel eyes.

you found out that their names were judo and anya.

the ride back to the royal castle was long and boring. by now, you'd be spending some time with your siblings or cooking dinner. hmm, dinner.

your stomach grumbled and judo looked towards you.

"you hungry, y/n?"

you nodded, frowning at the thought of not bringing any snacks on your journey. you heard rustling coming from next to you and you widened your e/c eyes at judo.

he held a shiny red apple.

"here, i've got plenty more."

you gladly took it and ate it hastily. you didn't think you were THAT hungry. you stated to think about being a maid. would you cook for the royal family? would you clean up their rooms? would you tend to their courtyard gardens?

a lot of jobs and chores ran through your mind but you simply smiled. you knew how to do a lot of things so being a maid can't be that hard.


then again, this was for the royal family. what if they didn't like the way you folded clothes? or how you liked to sing while sweeping floors? or—

"hey! earth to y/n! you good there?"

it was anya, she was poking your left shoulder from behind you and you shook your head.

"h-huh? oh yeah, um, i'm fine! i'm just thinking about the jobs well being doing at hyrule castle."


"pfffft. that's a silly thing to think about! you know what you can think about though? you can think about the knights that will be there!"


"t-the knights?"

anya nodded and beamed. she placed her cheek onto her palm and sighed.

"there's this one knight that every girl dreams about! he's the real deal."

she sighed with adoration and closed her eyes. judo cracked up, laughing at her behaviour.

"oi! a girl can dream!"


"yeah well, if you're thinking about that link guy then dream all you want! no one can get his attention."

you looked at the two teenagers confusingly. you raised an eyebrow.

"who's link?"

anya gasped out of shock at your question. judo looked very surprised. anya stared at you.

"you mean...you don't know THE link?! the most handsome and brave knight in ALL of hyrule?!"

you shook your head apologetically at anya.

"no? why? is he some hero or something?"

judo laughed and held his stomach. anya eyed at judo and kept talking about this knight.

"there are rumours that he's going to be appointed to princess zelda. as her PERSONAL KNIGHT. he must've done something great if that's going to happen. goddesses, princess zelda is so lucky!"

anya pouted and sighed. judo looked at you with soft eyes and began to explain who this 'link' guy was.

"you see, y/n, link is this really handsome knight that every girl is obsessed with. he's got flowing long blonde locks, paired with the most mesmerising blue eyes. he's silent and strong, at least that's what every girl tells me. honestly, if you ask me, i don't see what's the big deal about him."

you chuckled and the blonde haired hylian cut in.

"what?! what's the big deal?! judo! he's the best knight in ALL of hyrule AND he's super attractive! being a knight means being loyal, brave and trustworthy. don't tell me those aren't the traits you want in a partner!"


"if you put it like that, i guess you're right. still..."

judo looked over at you and rolled his eyes playfully. you laughed and the other two joined in, making one big noise of hearty laughters.

until one of the royal guards told you to shut you up.

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