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later, you went to your maid's quarters and discovered that you were sharing a room with anya and a maid named celeste. celeste had red hair that was wavy and long. anya asked which bed you wanted and you took the bottom bunk.

"but why? everyone knows the top bunk is the best!"


"anya, you can get to the bathroom easily from the bottom bed."


"'re right."

you chuckled and changed into your new, but poor, white night-gown. you went into the hard-ish bed and groaned.

"what is up with these beds?"

*✭˚·゚✧*·゚the next day*✭˚·゚✧*·゚*

there were butlers and chefs running all over the place, shouting orders of food and whatnot even though it was only 7 am. most of the maids were cleaning the banquet tables and windows, getting ready for the big day that was approaching quickly.

however, you and 3 other maids were tending to the gardens out front. fludia asked you to make the gardens and flowerbeds look "well presented and respectable". you didn't really know the other maids, but that didn't bother you. you worked by yourself since you were just a small hylian anyway.

you were currently watering some of the white and blue flowers in a small bed while singing quietly to yourself. your h/l h/c hair was blowing in the wind slightly, creating a soft and calming aroma that surrounded you.

little did you know, a certain blond was watching you from afar. he gently smiled to himself and started to walk over.

but stopped.

your friend judo, approached you and tapped you on the shoulder with a grin. blondie watched, then turned away, walking back towards the castle halls.

"judo! you scared me half to death!"


"heh, sorry, y/n. i just wanted to check up on how you're going with your new job."


"oh, thanks, judo. i get to water the gardens and tend to them, i actually really like it. what do you do?"

judo sighed.

"i'm a butler. but serving royalties and higher people isn't forte."

you chuckled at your friend.

"i'm sure you'll get used to it. you might even love it someday, besides, i could always use a hand."

judo smiled at you, his eyes full of sincerity and adoration.

"h-hey, y/n? do you want to-"

judo got cut off when a certain woman's voice boomed over at you. of course it was fludia. her tone was angry and loud.

"you two! stop chatting and get to work! you do realise that in a few hours is the ceremony, yes?! or do i have to explain everything to you because you're that much of an airhead?"

she looked straight at you as she said her last sentence. you frowned and judo froze, unable to defend you, but he didn't have to.

someone else was already doing it.

your eyes widened as blondie walked towards fludia with a serious face. his lips were in a thin line as he walked over to fludia, he was ever so slightly taller than her. he said something, his eyes showed that whatever he was saying was stern and no joke.

he glanced at you for a split second.

fludia nodded quickly, words shaking a little.

"y-yes, master link. i apologise for my behaviour. it'll never happen again."

blondie looked at you again, then walked away.

you blinked and watched the knight slowly go out of sight. your mouth opened slightly, your mind was buzzing with questions.

did he just save me? what did he say? was he defending me? wait, that's link? why did he do that? why is he called 'master link'?

"hey! y/n, you alright?"


"huh? oh yeah, just a bit frightened. that's all."


"...okay then, i'll see you inside."

you waved to judo as he left, your cheeks started to burn as you turned around and watered the flowers again. you weren't frightened at all, you were astonished and you felt your heart beat hit against your ribcage.

thump, thump, thump.

a knight's promise // botw link x readerWhere stories live. Discover now