the field

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She sits on the couch looking out onto the field that leads to nowhere, the sunset that is creating a pretty aesthetic and the wind blowing the tress, shes is thinking how she wishes she could get lost in the field never to return the decision she has made, while thinking of all the stuff that her and her loving boyfriend had been through he walks into the lounge.

Speak of the devil she thinks.

"I'm all packed" the tall boy spoke "do you want me to call a taxi" she asks moving her hair has the wind blew it to one side of her face. "Ha, a taxi in the middle of nowhere, nah it's quicker if I walk to the station" he says looking from the wooden floor up to the girl he fell in love with and is still in love with, there was a silence but it wasn't awkward he stood gazing at her everything moved slowly,he couldn't believe this was happening to "them" if could have happened to anyone but it happened to them he couldn't get his head around it he thought they were happy, happier than most couples eventually the girl spoke up "okay Tim you better get going then it's already late you don't wanna it the station at home time" she didn't even look at him, he scoffed she paid attention to him then "is this what REALLY want?" He asked, she made direct eye contact "yes Timmy this is what I really want!" He was about to cry as he said "I don't understand I thought...I thought we were happy" she stood up and walked past him and said "well you thought wrong" he turned around so fast
and followed her in to the hallway where his bags lay.

He stopped when she did " I LOVE YOU" he shouted so loud that the next field of farmers probably heard she retorted with "SHIT HAPPENS TIMOTHEE I..." she didn't know what to say she just got bored of him she guessed, Timmy was her longest relationship ever 2 whole years "I don't wanna hurt you" she said sadly Timmy gazing at her like he did in a loving way, letting a tear roll down his pale face " I don't understand what you mean. You have never hurt me. When I asked you if it was me you said" "TIMOTHEE ITS NOT YOU ITS ME OKAY ITS ALL ME OKAY IM JUST FUCKED UP I TOLD YOU!" she said running out of breath, Timmy stood straight, wiping his tear and took a long breath and walked towards her "last question and then I'll leave" she nodded "is there any hope for us at all, can you feel any thing." He asked no louder than a whisper she looked at their feet he was so close they were touching toes. She looked at him directly in the eye he already knew the answer "yes" she said to his surprise " then why are you doing this? Why am I leaving?" She had no answer. So he kissed her. And it was like the first time they met she felt fireworks and butterflies he pulled back "I love you more than everything on this world but I can't have you I can feel it" to say she had instincts and they were right every time was an understatement.

He remembered that. Without another word he got his bags and kissed her forehead and made his way to the train station. No bye. No I love you one last time. It was blunt but it was mutual in a way. Timothee got on the train and headed to New York it was far from where they lived but it was home now he has to find a new one.

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