Chapter 8: Hell's messengers

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Welcome back The Puppet Monsters everyone I hope that you enjoy the chapter. Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it means a lot to, plus I like chatting with you guys. Also please watch the video it goes with the chapter. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~

The song is Crazy=Genius by Panic at the disco



I let out a huff as I walked out of the kitchen.

With those fucking detectives snooping around I have to be even more thorough about running the business.

I froze just as I was about to go into the wine cellar, I could hear a someone knocking the front door.

Oh, great who the world could that be. It's eight pm on a Sunday most normal people are in church.

Grumbling under my breath I stormed over to the door. I was hungry, tired and just plain irritated.

"I swear if it's those goddamn cops they're not leaving this house alive," I growled under my breath.

For a moment I just stood in front of the door taking a few deep breaths to compose myself before I opened the front door with a wide smile on my face. "Why hello there how may I help you?" I asked the man standing there.

The first thing I noticed was his red hair the color of dried blood. As his red eyes looked at me I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. As the man smiled back at me I couldn't help but see his sharp almost dog-like teeth.

He's not human!


"Is Mikleo here?" He asked calmly cutting me off.

" mean Taiga?" I whispered.

He smiled wider and nodded. "I forgot that he has a different name than in the underworld. Would you do me a favor and get him for me, I need to talk to him about something work-related."

As I stood there stunned he pushed past me entering the house. "Oh, by the way, you're not human are you kid?" He asked as he looked around his hands in his pockets.

"My name is not kid, it's Matthew and no," I growled between clenched teeth.

However, he looked over his shoulder at me. "Good thing you're a demon then kid or else I would've ripped out your heart when you opened the door." He told me the look in his eyes said that he was being completely serious.

I couldn't help but shudder as I closed the door.

I don't see any stitches so he's not a puppet, I don't think demons can be masters though. If he was going to do something he would've attacked the second I opened the door.

After a moment or two, I walked upstairs. "I bet he's in Corina's room," I mumbled as I navigated the hallways. I knocked on Corina's bedroom door and waited a minute before opening it. And I froze whether it was in shock or rage I didn't know.

"You deflowered my sister," I said slowly.

Taiga yawned as he looked over at me he glanced at the window then smirked. "Morin' or should I say night?"

"You fucked my sister!" I roared.

Despite my growling and snarling Taiga just smiled and stretched. "By the way, if you keep making all that noise you'll wake Corina up. Did you need something or did you just come to disrupt her sleep schedule?"

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