Chapter 9: Dinner for three

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Welcome back The Puppet Monsters everyone I hope that you enjoy the chapter. Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it means a lot to, plus I like chatting with you guys. Also please watch the video it goes with the chapter. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~

The song is:  American Horror Story Theme



Corina whimpered her body shifting in my grip as she buried her face in my bare chest. It was dark outside the half-moon allowing only the smallest sliver of light into the room. Opal laid on the windowsill his black fur looked dark blue in the moonlight.

As Corina whimpered again in my arms I reached out and began to stroke her hair, gently running my claws through the familiar soft golden strands.

Ever since she met the Four horsemen she's been having even more trouble sleeping, while Corina's mind doesn't remember Zyglavis her soul remembers being taken by him. If Colette's accounts are anything to go by Corina may have nightmares for a while.

"I'm right here Corina," I assured her as I carefully pulled her closer. I felt the softness of her bare breast push against my chest, her legs tangled with mine underneath the sheets

Yesterday Matthew had nearly burst my and Corina's eardrums as he yelled that I'd soiled her, and damned her soul. When I told him that it was a hundred years too late for that he'd stormed off.

"Stupid bastard he seems really stuck on following human rules," I muttered.

Corina shifted in my arms again letting out a soft yawn as she looked up at me with half-lidded eyes. "What time is it?" She asked slowly.

I let out a chuckle. "One in the morning, mistress. You should get more rest, you have a busy schedule today after all."

She stared at me, blinking slowly. "Your right I'm so exhausted, it feels like I didn't even go to sleep."

I frowned at her. "It's because your soul remembers Zyglavis," I informed her.

Her eyes widened slightly as she yawned. "My soul you mean like how I sometimes remember things from my past lives?" She asked softly.

I let out a chuckle. "In a way yes, Zyglavis is the one who holds onto your soul for me to make sure you get reincarnated. Your soul remembers what it's like to be in Death's grasp."

For a moment or two, Corina was silent. "Hey Taiga...if, by some chance I win this whole competition does that mean that I caused the apocalypse. That I'm responsible for the deaths of everyone just because I tried my hardest to survive?"

I could hear the faint fear in her voice, as she spoke her voice trembled slightly.

"No," I answered as I stroked her hair. "Zyglavis, War, Colette and Ichthys are their own people; they know what happens even if you don't win. I highly doubt that revealing supernatural creatures to humans will cause the apocalypse, but even if it does it's not your fault for wanting to live."

"Thank you Mikleo," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around me.

A few moments later her breathing deepened, I smiled slightly pressing my lips to her forehead as I gave her a gentle kiss. "Sleep tight Corina, we have a long day ahead of us."


"God help me I need coffee," Corina grumbled as she ran a hand through her hair. She sat at the dinner table next to Matthew as she ate a cup of chilled fruit with yogurt on top.

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