Number Ninteen: Fat and Skinny

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Number Ninteen: Fat and Skinny

I feel like I've done a rant on this before, but I don't care.

If you looked at me, you would probably assume I was a healthy person who ate right and exercises often, but if you looked at my friend, you would probably assume they were lazy and didn't eat right.

But in reality, it isn't fair to assume something of someone just because of their appearance.

But let's start with the people on the skinner side.

I'm pretty sure that at least one time in your life, you've been called "beautiful" because of your skinny bodies. And I'm also sure you wish people would not hate you because you are naturally skinny. I know I've felt that way, but I can't say the same for you.

But what I'm trying to say is that it shouldn't matter that you're on the skinny side or the chubby side; it should matter that you're happy with your own body.

Now I feel really sappy for some reason. Fuck.


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