Number Five (Part 2)

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We followed Hazel to this crappy motel nearly outside the city. Diego got out and put some sort of tracker on the underside of their car before coming back to us. We parked the car behind an ice cream truck. Diego saw them through the window and shook his head.

"Bingo" He said while I took another swig from the bottle.

"You do know that killing these people is not gonna make you feel any better" I told Diego finishing off the bottle.

"Yeah, but when it's done... I'm gonna sleep like a baby" Diego told me as I gasped and wiped my mouth. My throat burned, but I didn't care. I needed this.

"Sure you will" Klaus sighed taking the bottle from me. He gave me a look and I shrugged. We saw Hazel come out with an ice bucket.

"Stay in the car" Diego told us.

"What are you talkin' about. This guy tortured us" Klaus exclaimed putting the bottle on the floor.

"I have a plan" Diego said before getting out of the car and starting to walk up the stair well.

"We're following him, right?" I asked Klaus. He nodded as we exited the car. We walked up behind Diego until he reached the top.

"So, what exactly is the plan here, big guy" I stammered clearly drunk.

"I told you both to wait in the car" He responded with not turning to look at us.

"Yeah, but you also told me that licking a nine-volt battery would give me pubes" Klaus told him making me laugh.

"We were eight" Diego told him trying not to laugh. Klaus shrugged and tried to walk forward only to get stopped by Diego.

"What? Come on" Klaus sighed.

"For once, I need you to listen to me, okay? Now, go back to the car with her. If I don't come out in two minutes, that means I'm probably dead" Diego said grabbing us both and walking down to the bottom of the stair well.

"So.." I started but was interrupted.

"That happens, go get help. Okay?" Diego asked grabbing both of our shoulders. We sighed.

"Yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay" Klaus replied before just standing there while Diego made his way back up some then pointing to the car.

"Okay" I replied putting my hands up. We started walking back when I stopped.

"I've got a bad feeling about this" I told him before sprinting back to the stairwell. I heard a something break when I saw Diego come out of the room. I heard tires squeal and gunshots before sprinting back up the stairs. I grabbed Diego before they could shoot him again. He grabbed his arm and groaned.

"Oh, man. See? You used to think I was an idiot" I told Diego who looked at me gratefully.

"I still think you're an idiot" He replied panting as we heard the car.

"Ranna!" I heard Klaus yell running up the stairs. He saw me and hugged me tight.

"I thought you got hurt. Don't ever do that again" He said pulling away and pointing at me before hugging me again.

"if it wasn't for her, I would probably be dead" Diego spoke up. Klaus smiled down at me.

"That's my girl" Klaus said throwing an arm over my shoulders and ruffling my hair.

"They're getting away" Diego said running down the stairwell holding his arm.

"You're welcome!" I yelled after him with Klaus behind me.

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