ch 11 part two

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I wish I could go home. Dipper wispered as the deamon left.
Bills POV
What do I have to do to make her happy! I yell in anger as I torment some deer, taring out it's teeth, and re arranging its face to look all fucked up.
Back at the shack
Ford POV
After I explain the plan to everyone it was time to attack but it's a week's journey just to get to the Fearsmed on foot.
Mabel I yell out as she runs over, is the calvary let ready do they have all their weapons and or do they even seem like they want to murder a giant dream demon.
Yes crinkle Ford she replied back in the most upset voice ever we'll get her back I promise !I said to the young girl who looked like she was about to cry.
Stan, Satn I yelled trying to get the old man attention who's sitting in a corner mumbling this isn't going to work, what Poindexter, can't you see I'm trying to make my escape route whenever Bill destroys you all. Stan we're about to head out, you're going to be on the search-and-rescue team not the fighting team even though you we would love to have your help on that cuz you can throw a very good left hook or whatever you call it.
I said I would help I didn't say I wasnt going to fight. Stan retorted back.
Author's note, sorry I haven't been able to update in a while and I can't wait to show you the pictures I found on Google it did not tell me the people who drew them but they are super cute and I just love the photos to death, I hope you enjoyed also let's see if Dipper will be saved or will she live the rest of her natural or unnatural to be, if to be life with the dream demon.

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