ch 18

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So pines family do we have a deal.

Fords POV
Dipper what do you mean you weren't forced, you had kids willingly, and married that fuck willingly! Yes I did and whyal staying here I was showed love, peace, and have a family of my own and I'm happy, we're stopping the madness and are goning to live like normal people. Right Bill. Snapped a smiling Dipper. Yes love bill replied, Ford she scary at times did you teach her that or was it Stanley. It was me yelled Mabel and Stan.


Mabel I agree you do seam more happy hear, you will let me visit and be with you right,

Dipper/Bill of course we would love to have all of you here any time

Bill  not at night pintree needs her sleep, or she will kill me and my pet draog, that is a drgong and dog mix

Dipper i woul not kill the dog. Or you

Stan/ Ford how will we tell your parents

Jan pines/ Fred pines we know

Mabel  mom, daddy what are you doing here

Fred we are living in town now and we're visiting Mr and Mrs cifer. I hop I said that right.

Bill not you did not but it is fine new mom, and dad just call me bill
( Boom triplets blew up there room)
The triplets, Baja didit

Dipper I will check on them get to no the family bill

Bill ok see you later
( bill kisses Dipper)

Stan pines so we're all famil now

Everyone .yep

                     The end

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