11 | Detention Buddies

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Detention Buddies


It's the first, and apparently only, word I can manage after a full minute of silence.

"Please don't make me say it again, Lyn."

I don't want him saying it again. I don't want to believe it. "What would make you even say that, Jack?"

Even though I don't want to believe it, there's no denying how emotionless my voice sounds. As if I'm struggling to even sound like I don't think it's true.

There's been distance between us recently, that's for sure. But should I really be shocked that he'd cheat?

Yes. Hell yes. We're in a relationship. There are lines you never cross, and he supposedly crossed the worst one.

"He told me."

"He told you?" I ask, making it clear I'm going to need more than that.

"Yesterday when we went to play pool with the guys I could tell something was off. I figured you two had gotten into a fight since he was on the phone with you when I showed up."

Is it pathetic that I breathe a sigh of relief at the fact that he at least hadn't lied on the phone? That Jack really was there, and not someone else?

"He drank a couple of beers after, but never said what was wrong. Patrick dropped us back to my place so Trish wouldn't see him like that. You know what she'd do if she saw," he continues, and I hate how I sympathize for the briefest second with Liam because I do know how hard his mother is on him. "Anyway, he was talking all kinds of crazy. I mean, he was seriously messed up, Lyn. You know Liam never talks about how he feels or anything, but he wouldn't stop talking all night. He even cried at one point."

"Get to the part where he said he cheated on me." The last thing I need is him making me feel sorry for Liam.

"That's why he cried," Jack reveals. "I couldn't put it together at first, but eventually it made sense when he started saying how he messed up. Then he mentioned your name and how much he loves you, and said the other girl wasn't worth it."

I lean on the wall for support, thankful no one's come in here yet. How could he even say that? As if it'd been okay if the other girl had been worth it. Would he have not felt bad?

"Is that... is that all?" I ask with a shaky voice, willing myself not to shed any tears right now.

"Well, I didn't get the full story until this morning when he woke up."

"Oh God," I mumble while raising a hand to my head. He sent me that loving voicemail this morning, after confessing to Jack, after cheating. And I believed it, like a fucking idiot. "What else did he say?"

"He... he said it didn't happen until after you moved. I don't think that makes this any easier, but you should know that he wasn't doing anything behind your back while you were here. And it only happened twice in the last week."

I scoff, because that doesn't make this any better. And why is he defending him? I get that's his best friend, but if they were so close to begin with, then why call to rat him out?

"Why are you even telling me this? I'm sure Liam doesn't want me to know," I whisper, not trusting my voice to get any higher without tears coming.

"Trust me, I wasn't going too. I planned on taking this shit to my grave because you both have crazy tempers," Jack huffs, making me even more curious as to what changed his mind. "But... when Liam told me everything and how he planned on not saying anything to you about it, it just felt so... wrong."

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