12 | Wherever

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I'm smiling when I slide into the passenger seat of Noah's car.

Wait a minute... Noah's car?

"Are we about to get arrested?"

Noah sends me a confused look before pulling away from the curb. "Look at you. Get detention for one day and already worried you're a criminal."

"I mean for being in a stolen car, dummy."

"Stolen? Lynnie, what are you talking about?"

"The car, Noah. How the hell did you get it?"

Laughter bubbles out of my brother as the car starts going faster. "I took the keys from Mom and booked it before she took them back."

"You stole the keys?" I assume.

"No," he stresses the word, shaking his head. "She gave them to me. This is my car."

"Since when was this your car? Why have we been taking the bus all this time?"

"Since twenty minutes ago." Noah glances my way, letting me see the annoyance in his eyes. "How dense are you? Obviously I didn't get the car until today." He pauses, eyes looking back over at me one more time. He opens and closes his mouth, clearly having an internal debate with himself about telling me whatever is on his mind. I shoot him a dry look. He groans and slowly makes a right turn, before mumbling, "Technically, we didn't get the car until today."

"We?" He nods his head with a grimace. "Wait a minute. Were you seriously thinking of not telling me that this is my car too?"

"Yup." His response has my hand reaching out to smack his arm, resulting in a yelp coming from his lips. "You're not supposed to hit the driver, Lynnie."

I wave my hand between us dismissively, not bothering to respond as I look around the car that's apparently mine. Or at least half mine. It's got that new car smell and it looks clean as fuck. I'm kind of shocked Mom gave this to Noah... to us, especially since we never asked for it. We had gotten our licenses last year, but Mom never got us a car. The one our father left behind was enough for Noah and I. I rarely ever drove anyway, seeing as I spent most of my time with Liam, and he did all the driving.

My stomach drops at the thought. Of him, of Liam. Of those simpler times. Over the fact that our one year anniversary of being official is this weekend, and over the fact that we've been close to one another for several months longer than that.

And yet, none of that matters. Not now. Not after I moved, not after what he did.

I reach for my phone and turn it on, ignoring the flood of messages my mother sent me, immediately heading for Liam's. He asked if I was out of school yet, ending the message with hearts.

My teeth grit at the symbol of his supposed love, anger taking over and guiding my thumb to dial his number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Lyn," he greets happily. "I was just about to call you."

"Were you now?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yeah," he says, sounding unsure, but the joy in his voice is still present. "I have news to tell you."



"I don't really feel like guessing," I say dryly, waiting for Noah to finish parking so I can leave this car and yell at Liam in private.

"I'll give you a hint. It has to do with our anniversary."

I can't stop the chuckle from leaving my lips, and soon enough, I'm laughing hysterically. Noah shifts the gear stick into park, turning to look at me questioningly.

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