22 | The Burden of Our Parents

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The Burden of Our Parents

I storm out of school as soon as the bell rings, upset that this is the first time in weeks Ms. Fairfull didn't dismiss class early.

I barely spare Elijah a second glance, not even bothering to wave back to Daniel as we pass in the halls. There's one goal in my mind, and that's getting the hell out of this school and into the parking lot, where Jalen said he'd be waiting for me.

The wind blows furiously as I walk down the stairs, making my skirt fly around and my arm have to hold it down, serving as the only reminder that it's cold out, despite my blood boiling at the sight of Jalen standing by his motorcycle.

David's standing by Jalen, laughing obnoxiously loud over whatever stupid shit one of them just said. In the distance, I can see Malia strutting towards a black car—not the original car I've seen her drive in. This black car is nothing like the beautiful, red Lamborghini she owns.

This one seems to be driven by a chauffeur, making me have to resist letting out an eye roll at how snobby she is. I can't let myself get distracted.

With every step closer to Jalen, I go over in my head what I'm going to say.

Left foot. Who is Elena? Right foot. Who's Chloe Martinez? Left foot. Why is there always some shady rumor going around about you? Right foot. Is any of it true? How can they not be, Jalen? How can these rumors keep going around and around with no truth at all to them?

I take in a deep breath once I'm a few feet away. Jalen notices me instantly, face lighting up at the sight of me. My stomach drops, wishing I could take the time to enjoy knowing he has that reaction to seeing me.

I shake my head, trying to erase the thought. I notice the eyes of our classmates following my every move, switching back and forth between Jalen and I.

He's just pretending, I shout at myself. How could you for one second think he isn't? This is fake. It's all fake.

I swallow loudly, finding it hard to do that simple move for some reason. My hands jitter at my sides once I'm standing in front of him.

This is fake, I repeat. But if it's all fake, if we're only pretending, why do the rumors bother me so much?

I agreed to pretend. I agreed to this. Jalen didn't commit to me, and I sure as hell didn't commit to him.

But don't I deserve to know what I've gotten myself into? Don't I deserve the truth? Seeing as all these rumors or half truths or whatever the fuck these people want to call them are constantly shoved at me as I walk the halls, I think I deserve answers.

No, I know I deserve answers.

Since Rachel's become one of the last people I should trust with any of this, it seems like the most logical thing to do is go straight to the source.

Just ask Jalen Uccello if they're true.

And even if he lies to me, at least I asked. At least I was honest and open. Whatever happens after is on him.

"Hey," he greets, smiling wider as he reaches out an arm to wrap around my waist. He leans in to lightly kiss my cheek, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away. "How was school?"

I briefly glance at the people still watching, then at David whose eyes are glued to Jalen's arm around me. When he notices my stare, he glances up and sends me a look of disinterest before clapping Jalen on the shoulder and saying, "I'm out. See you later, bro."

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