34 | Maybe

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As I take a seat in my art class, I refrain from patting myself on the back for finally attending a full day of school. Praise in my head is all I get, because though this is step one of putting myself back together, there's still so much more that I need to do.

Especially since a big reason for why I'm opting to stay in school is because my mother is home today, and I'm not ready to face her yet. What I said was all kinds of fucked up, and though I meant every word, I'd only said them to her because I was so upset. I didn't want to be the only one.

Taking back those words or smoothing things over is going to be hard. I'd rather face my shit at Arlin Preparatory first.

When the classroom door swings open, I take in a deep breath, knowing the shit I kind of need to deal with has arrived.

I'm not sure why, but I feel my breath actually catch when I see him. His kind, brown eyes find me immediately. He freezes, just as I do. Half of my mouth raises into the smallest smile I can muster. I watch as his own shy smile takes over his face, and then he's walking my way.

The chair Elijah usually occupies is pushed back as he falls into it, gently placing his book bag onto the table after. "Hey," he says softly.

"Hey," I reply, letting the relaxed atmosphere stay a little longer before we actually speak.

I place my elbow onto the table, my chin into my palm, and turn to watch him. His smile grows, but there's a hesitancy in his movements as he leans back in his seat. "So..." he trails off, eyes glancing around the room before coming back to me. "You haven't missed much."

I missed you. Woah, what the fuck? I blink rapidly, then shake the thought away. But the feeling remains. "Uh, I kind of figured not much was happening in this class," I say jokingly.

He nods in agreement. "Just some shit about shading properly," he says in the same tone. The smile he flashes after causes his eyes to crinkle at the corners, but it somehow makes his eyes twinkle, even under these dim lights. "Nothing important. Now, about pre-calc..."

I cringe, then bring a hand to my forehead dramatically. "I am so fucked for that class."

Elijah chuckles. "You just need to catch up on a few lessons. It won't be too hard."

"Well, I was close to failing when I actually did go, so..." I trail off, flashing him an oh well look.

He shakes his head. "I promise, it wasn't a lot. The semester is almost over so there isn't much left to learn."

Because his voice sounds so sure, I almost believe him. Who knows, maybe I'll finally have luck on my side and pass. My stomach drops at the thought of grades. I never worried about it before—not to brag, but school has just always been easy for me—but lately I haven't been putting in any effort at all.

Good thing colleges don't care about the last semester nearly as much as the first and the other three years of high school.

The thought of college and my future brings that dreadful feeling back. I applied to many different universities, and should be hearing back soon.

"Do you mind if I ask how you're doing?"

I purse my lips, pondering an appropriate response. Of course I don't want to discuss this shit, but I also don't want to push Elijah away. Unless... he knew.

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