Rockstar Freddy X Bryan

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This was suggested by 'Moonfirefur' so hope you like it and sorry it took so long to come out I just had a lot going on!But I did make it so that has to count for something right?!Also this takes place before Rockstar Freddy broke meaning Molten is not here and Springtrap isn't a jerk.So yeah here we go! 'I hope you die in a fire!'

(Bryan's POV)

'Why doesn't Freddy just let me in?I'm trying my hardest to be nice to him but all I get in return is nothing but criticism!Why does he hate me so much?I mean I'll admit I can be a bit annoying at times but still doesn't he know how much I care about him?'

Springtrap:"Hey Bryan what's wrong?Your being really quiet."

Bryan:"Nothing I'm fine.Just thinking about something."

I then turned my gaze towards towards Rockstar Freddy who was currently talking to Baby about something. 'Why does he like Baby more than?I feel like he prefers everyone over me except for Springtrap of course.But Springtrap is probably the only person he dislikes more than me!Maybe I should just give up on trying to get him to like and except that I'll never be his friend or anything.' But just thinking about that was enough to make me want to cry.But I knew I had to hold it in or else they'll all start asking questions.

Baby:"Hey Bryan you okay?You look upset."

Bryan:"For the last time I'm fine!I don't know why you guys keep asking me if I'm fine?! If I say I'm fine then that means I'm fine!"

R.Freddy:"No it doesn't it means your lying to us.Bryan you should just be honest with us."

Bryan:"ME HONEST!?You and Springtrap are the ones with all the secrets!Maybe you two should trying being honest!"

Springtrap:"Bryan. . .it's different."

'It's different?!IT'S DIFFERENT?!They don't need to know why I'm upset!They don't need to know that I like Rockstar Freddy and I'm upset because I know he will never feel the same way!That he doesn't even like me as a friend I'm nothing but a burden to him!' I quickly turned away from the others and ran off into the kitchen's freezer where I began to cry.

(Rockstar Freddy's POV)

'Why is Bryan so upset today?Did he get some bad news about something?I want to help him but I just don't know how.I want to tell him. . .but I know he won't feel the same.'

Baby:"One of us should go in there to comfort him."

Springtrap:"I'm not doing it.I'll probably just make it worse."

R.Freddy:"I'll go."

Baby:"Are you sure Freddy?Your not really the best when it comes to comforting someone."

R.Freddy:"I can handle it."

Springtrap:"Alright then good luck!"

So with that I opened the door to the freezer and walked in.Once I had walked in Baby quickly closed the door behind me.But I didn't really care because once I had gotten in I began to hear Bryan crying. 'He doesn't know I'm in here.This was a bad idea maybe I shouldn't have came in here.Maybe I should just leave him alone.'

Bryan:"W-why?!Why doesn't h-he like m-me?!"

'What is he talking about?Who is 'he' does he already like someone?I should of known. . .of he likes someone what was I thinking!'

Bryan:"R-rockstar F-freddy?What a-are you d-doing here?!"

R.Freddy:"Um. . .I came here to see what's wrong and don't tell me nothing."

Bryan just looked at me with nothing but sadness in his eyes.Causing me to feel guilt though I wasn't sure why.

Bryan:"Why d-do you h-hate me?"


Bryan:"You hate me and I want to know why!"

R.Freddy:"Bryan. . .I don't hate you."

Bryan:"Yeah right!Every time I try to be nice to you all you do in return is criticize me saying were not friends!"

'He's right I do.But I don't mean to be so rude honestly!I'm just afraid to show how I really feel about him. . .because I know he'll just reject me but I think it's time to tell him the truth.He deserves to at least know the truth even though he'll probably break my heart in the process.'

R.Freddy:"Bryan the reason I say those things is because. . ."

Bryan:"Because what?!"

R.Freddy:"Because I love you!"

After I said that Bryan just looked at me with shock in his eyes.He also seemed to blush slightly at this most likely from embarrassment. 'I knew it.Now he's going to tell me he doesn't feel the same way.Though I shouldn't be surprised after all I haven't been the nicest towards him and now I decide out of no where to just tell him I love him!' While I now stood there lost in my own train of thought Bryan had gotten out of the corner he was sitting in and was slowly making his way towards me.Until he was only a few inches away from me.

Bryan:"Freddy. . .why didn't you just tell me?"

R.Freddy:"Because I knew you would never feel the same way.So what was the point?"

Bryan:"Then why are you telling me this now?"

R.Freddy:"Because the last thing I want you to do is think that I hate you.Bryan. . .you mean more to me then you'll ever truly know."

Bryan began to blush deeply at this as he then took a few steps closer towards me.Soon we were now standing face to face  causing my face to heat up a bit as well.

Bryan:"Rockstar Freddy I love you!"

That was the last thing he said before connecting are lips causing us to share a sweet and tender kiss in the freezer.At that moment I couldn't help but feel somewhat complete being here with Bryan knowing that he shared my feelings.It was one of the greatest moments of my life and I wished it could of lasted forever. . .but a last all good things come to a end eventually. 'But don't be to sad Bryan I promise I will be back sooner than you think.No one can change that not Springtrap and most certainly not Molten!I'll be back soon my love I just hope you haven't forgotten me completely while I was gone.


Yeah so that's it sorry if the ending felt a little sad I just thought it would be a cool ending to the story.So yeah hope you liked it now time to get back to work I guess bye! 'Your so worthless why do you even exist?!' I don't know.

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