Bryan x Ennard

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This was requested by 'xXFadingSpiritsXx' I hope you enjoy! Also this is taking place around Christmas time just so you know.

(Bryan's POV)

'The others are right. . .I am kind of a bully. I mean Ennard never really did anything to me except be nice and yet there I go being mean to him and asking him about Springtrap when I know very well all it does is hurt him. Maybe I can change though. . .I know! I'll tell Ennard I'm sorry and do everything in my power to make us the best of friends! Who knows maybe then Molten will hate me less as well. . .'

Baby:"Bryan what are you thinking about?"

Bryan:"Huh? Oh nothing! Um. . .have you seen Molten around?"

Baby:"No why are you asking?"

Bryan:"Oh no reason just curious."

R.Foxy:"Sure you Bryan!~"

Bryan:"What's that supposed to mean Foxy?!"

R.Foxy:"Oh nothing. Nothing at all.~"

I knew exactly what Foxy was trying to hint at  but there was no way in heck that I had any feelings towards Molten! He's the reason Rockstar Freddy is broken in the first place! I just wanted to apologize to Ennard is all.

Molten:"What do you want Bryan?"

I knew that voice all to well it was Molten who was currently standing right behind me.I decided to turn around so I could see him and as always he just gave me this look of annoyance.Which out of habit I gave back. 'No remember I have to stick to the plan!'

Bryan:"Oh no nothing much I just wanted to ask you how Ennard is doing."

Molten:"He's none of your concern. . .besides I doubt he'd want to speak to you! After what you put him through."

Bryan:"I didn't mean to hurt him okay! We we're just playing a game!"

Molten:"A game he didn't like! A game where you tried to make him kill!"

Bryan:"I. . .I want to talk to him."


Bryan:"That wasn't a request!"

As soon as I said that I pulled out my Santa hat and put it on Molten's head causing him to glitch out as usual and become Ennard. But once Ennard saw me he quickly ran behind Baby and Rockstar Foxy who had been standing on the stage watching the entire time. 

Baby:"Molten's not going to like this when he get's back Bryan."

Bryan:"I had to do it!"

R.Foxy:"No you didn't! You wanted to!"

Bryan:"Whatever Foxy!"

Ennard:"Why did you do that?"

As soon as Ennard said that I brought my attention back to him as I tried my hardest to sound nice.

Bryan:"Because I wanted to apologize to you."


Bryan:"Of course! I feel really bad about the way I have treated you in the past. So I want to make it up to you."


Bryan:"Um. . .you want to go play some games?"

Ennard:"W-What type of g-games?"

Bryan:"Um. . .how about we just play some video games?!"

R.Foxy:"Oh yeah! I'm the best at video games!"

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