Springtrap x Bryan x Springbonnie

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This was suggested by 'phenioxafton83' so I hope you guys enjoy it and yeah here it is!P.S. I love this song and it represents their relationship with Ballora perfectly but the video is a bit hard to hear.

(Springbonnie's POV)

'How could I have let this happened?!How could I have fallen in love with Bryan of all people?! I mean I'm a clone aninatronic of someone he hates and wants dead!Plus he's a human and I'm technically with Ballora my former wife so why have I gotten myself into this?!Why is it that I always manage to make things more difficult for myself?!'

Bryan:"Hey Afton!How has your day been so far?"

SB(Springbonnie for short):"Alright everyone else is off and I've mainly just been working on fixing Funtime and Rockstar Freddy."

Bryan:"Hey I've never noticed but don't you think it's weird that both of are Freddy's are broken?"

SB:"Huh. . .your right maybe it's just a coincidence."

ST(Springtrap):"You always were one to either over think or under think things Bryan."

As soon as we heard that voice we both immediately turned around to see right there near the portal room was Springtrap.

(Springtrap's POV)

'This was a mistake I shouldn't have come here.What was I thinking that if I came here and admitted I was wrong that somehow they would all forgive me?!That somehow Bryan would forgive me after all the things I said and did. . .I'm such a idiot.But looks like there's no turning back now so might as well see this one through.'

Bryan:"Springtrap what are you doing here?!"

ST:"I came here to apologize.About. . .everything."

SB:"Wait. . .how do we know we can believe you?How do we know this isn't all apart of your plan?"

As my clone said those words he quickly got in front of Bryan trying to protect him from me most likely. 'I wonder if Bryan knows the truth about my clones feelings?Who am I kidding of course he doesn't I bet Molten doesn't even know.' Then as though just thinking about him was enough I suddenly heard his voice echo through the vents

Molten:"Afton. . .you didn't tell me you were coming here."

ST:"That's because you didn't need to know."

As soon as I said that Molten revealed himself right behind Bryan and before any of us could react or do something he had already managed to get his claws on him.As he now had Bryan in his hands he quickly pulled him a good distance away from us.

Molten:"Take another step and I snap his neck!"

Bryan:"What?! No don't!"

SB:"Please Molten don't hurt him!"

ST:"Molten what are you doing!?"

Molten:"I know what your planning Afton!You think you can just turn over a new leaf and forget all about me!?NO!I won't let you shut me off!"

ST:"Why would you think that?!"

'He knows what I was planning!But that doesn't matter right now what matters is getting Bryan out of this alive!' So as I turned my gaze towards Bryan I could tell he was trying his hardest not to cry.But as are eyes met his fear seemed to disappear a bit as though he believed that we would be able to get him out of this alive. 'I'll certainly try Bryan for you I'd give it my all.But I can't do it alone I'll need help from my clone.'

Molten:"Everyone knows that in the end I would be destroyed no matter who won!Weather it would be you or them or even if you somehow managed to make it work out together!We all know that I don't get a 'happy ending' !Because in the end I'm the only real bad guy here! I'm the only one who deserves to die without the shadow of a doubt!"

Bryan:"M-Molten no-"

Molten:"Shut up Bryan!"

SB:"Molten there has to be someway we can work this out!A way where nobody has to get hurt!"

Molten:"Yeah. . .NO!You see I have come to terms with dying. . .but what I have not come to terms with is dying alone!Which is why I have chosen Bryan to come with me so the moment you bring out that control panel you'll be taking two lives instead of one!"

SB:"So you've thought it all through huh.The moment we make a move your going to kill Bryan which well then cause us to kill you.But you don't care about that as long you aren't the only one who dies."

Molten:"That's right clone!"

Bryan:"His n-name is Springbonnie!"

(No one's POV)

As soon as Bryan said that everyone's attention became focused on him which Springbonnie and Springtrap thought of as their moment to possibly attack.So as Molten began to talk to Bryan Springtrap quickly got out his control panel while Springbonnie ran towards Molten and Bryan.So by the time Springtrap had hit the shutdown button Molten had now found himself lunging  towards him completely forgetting Bryan who was currently being embraced by crying/worried Springbonnie. But Molten didn't make it that far as he fell to the ground and the light in his eyes was slowly beginning to dim.

Molten:"You. . .you clever rabbits.HA,HA,HA!Guess I wasn't prepared for that. . .oh well I suppose. . .goodbye Bryan I'll miss. . ."

Then just like that his eyes went dull and dark as the light in them disappeared and his now shut off body lay there on the ground.

Bryan:"He's gone. . .he's really gone. . .you,you turned him off."

ST:"Yeah and now I'm going to destroy him!I'll maybe go to Jon's and throw him in their giant pizza cooking machine or whatever!To make sure he doesn't come back!"

SB:"Bryan. . .thank god your okay!I thought I was going to lose!"

As Springbonnie said that while hugging him Bryan couldn't help but blush slightly.Though Springtrap had noticed this and began to feel a bit jealous of his clone.Then to his surprise Bryan had walked over to him and hugged him tightly causing Springtrap to blush in response.As Bryan then grabbed Springbonnie and they all had a group hug together all of them blushing.

Bryan:"Thank both of you for saving me!If it weren't for you guys I'd be laying dead on the floor just like Molten!"

SB:"For you Bryan I would of done anything."

ST:"He's right Bryan. . .we both care about you a lot!Even though I haven't showed it just know that you mean a lot to me."

Him saying this caused Bryan to blush deeply as he then suddenly out of no where gave both of them a kiss on the lips making them once again blush.As he then gave both of them a hug and stayed in between the two as they walked towards the main stage and sat down.

Bryan:"Springtrap and Springbonnie I think I should tell you guys now if you haven't already guessed. . .I'm in love with both of you!"

This actually shocked the two as they stared at Bryan then looked at each other.But after what felt like forever they both nodded and gave Bryan a kiss on the cheek causing his face to turn red like a tomato.

SB:"We love you to Bryan!"

ST:"Which is why we think if we give it a try we could make this work but only if you want."


So with that they all hugged and said a bunch of sweet romantic stuff towards each other until it was time for Bryan to go home and after he left Springtrap and Springbonnie made sure to take care of Molten's body so that he would never be able to come back and he didn't!


This was actually harder than I though it would be but I got it done all in one day so yeah me!Also I hoped you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you later bye! 'DIE,DIE,DIE!'

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