Bryan x Jon - Not Alone

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This was suggested by 'lillylils123' so I hope you guys enjoy it!Also the reason I named this "Not Alone" was mainly so I could tell the stories about when writing just encase you were wondering.But yeah here we go! 'This is worser than the first one!' Shut your mouth! P.S. This song is really good and I suggest you check-out Jessica Random cause she makes cool stuff like this!

(Bryan's POV)

'Why is this happening?!What did I do that was so bad that I deserve this!?Molten and Springtrap their getting closer. . .the end is upon us and I don't know what to do about it.I feel so alone and useless I want to tell the other animatronics how I feel but they have their own problems and I'm sure none of them would even really care.I just need to tell someone what's going on before it's to late somebody needs to know when I'm gone what really happened!But of course I picked Jon why wouldn't I?I mean it's not like he went behind my back and made a deal with Springtrap just so he could become the new CEO of Fazbear Entertainment even though we all know it should of been mine!No. . .I'm over that now I forgave him were 'friends' again. . .aren't I lucky.Guess that means the sayings are true with friends like these who needs enemies.'

Jon:"Bryan?What are you doing here?!"

Bryan:"Just came by for a quick visit."

Jon:"Oh well nice to see you again!Mind if I show you my new animatronic that I got?"

Bryan:"Um. . .sure I'd love to see it!"

(After introducing Funtime Foxy because nothing important happened)

Bryan:"Jon. . . can I tell you what's been going on since we last saw each other?Because I don't think I can keep this to just myself anymore."

(Jon's POV)

'Bryan seems different. . .is it because he knows that I'm the new CEO?I mean we haven't really said anything about it but. . .I know he really wanted it.I never really meant to hurt him I was just scared of what was going to happen to me and my animatronics!I mean I loved Bryan. . .who am I kidding I still do love him.But he'll never want to be with me now that I've basically took away his chance of being CEO.Focus Jon listen to what Bryan has to say!'

Jon:"Of course Bryan I'm here for you!"

Bryan looked down at the floor when I said that as his eyes seemed to darken a bit. 'Did I say something wrong?"

Bryan:"Jon. . .do you ever feel lonely even when your surrounded by others?Do you ever feel pointless like you have no reason to exist you just. . .do?Do you ever just feel 'paralyzed'(I love that song!) like you can't feel anything and your just lost?"

I was absolutely shocked by this as I heard Bryan say all of those things about feeling lonely and being paralyzed.Then when he lifted his head up to look me in the eyes I saw that tears were beginning to form. 'Bryan. . .is this my fault?Did I do this?Did I make him feel like this?Bryan. . .were going to get through this together!I'm going to help you I won't leave you like this!'

Jon:"Bryan is this how you feel?"

Bryan just looked at me with his eyes filled with sadness and just shrugged as though to ask if it really mattered.

Bryan:"Sometimes. . .I just feel alone and useless.Molten says that the others would be better off without me.He says if it weren't for me dragging them down they would be a lot happier and. . .I think he's right."

As soon as Bryan said that I quickly embraced him with a hug and as soon as I did I felt Bryan whimper slightly as his tear began to fall on my shoulder.

Jon:"Don't listen to him Bryan!He doesn't know anything!If it weren't for you who knows what would happen the others might not have even met!"

Bryan:"I guess maybe. . ."

Jon:"NO!No guesses Bryan if it weren't for you I might not be standing where I am today!Bryan I owe so much to you!Your my best friend and trust me when I say your not alone your never truly alone!"

Bryan:"Thank you Jon I-I really needed to hear that. Heh,heh,g-gosh I'm such a idiot!"

Jon:"Aw,come on Bryan don't beat yourself up!Your not a idiot your actually pretty clever you just don't show it sometimes!"

Bryan pulled out of the hug which actually made me feel a little sad.But when I looked at his face I could tell he was blushing as he gave me a warm smile which caused my face to heat up in response. 'He always did have a great smile. . .man I wish I could kiss him right now."

Bryan:"No I wasn't really insulting myself I was just. . .reacting to something I thought of.Sometimes your emotions can just change like that *snaps fingers* I mean when I first came in here I felt terrible and alone.But now I just feel. . .happy and hopeful."

As he said that I could see the sparkle in his eyes grow by the second.' I'm so glad he feels better maybe there's hope for us after all.Now we just gotta get rid of Afton and Molten and we can live out the rest of our days worried free!'

Jon:"I'm glad you feel better Bryan.Trust me we all have are moments where we just feel lost but we all find are way in the end."

Bryan just nodded as he continued to blush at me which caused me to wonder weather or not he felt the same way I did about him. 'Well there are only really two ways to find out and if I'm wrong they could both end horribly.Option one I ask Bryan if he likes me,option two I kiss him and see where it goes from there. . .I pick option two!' So with that decision I slowly grabbed Bryan's hands and held them in my own.While I did this Bryan just continued to stare at me while he blushed.Then before I knew it I was leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips as his face went bright red and he slowly melted into the kiss.Then the two of us just stood there kissing near the entrance of my pizzeria while in the background my animatronics just stood there and watched.

(Jon's Rockstar Bonnie POV)

R.Bonnie:"I'm happy for Jon!"

R.Freddy:"Me too!We should go give them a big hug!"


But before we could go do anything Balloon Girl quickly walked in front of us blocking are path.

Balloon Girl:"No guys we gotta let them have their moment!"

R.Freddy:"But. . .hugs."

R.Bonnie:"Yeah I wanna give them hugs!"

Balloon Girl:"*sigh* I warned you now I'm gonna have to get the balloons!"

Then she pulled out her balloons and looked at me with a sinister grin.Which caused me to run around in a big circle near Jon and Bryan who were currently watching.

R.Bonnie:"No not the balloons!Jon please help me!"

Jon:"Can you at least do it inside the pizzeria!At least then we don't have to worry about him floating away!"

Balloon Girl:"Alright you heard him inside!"

I then ran inside the pizzeria with Freddy and Balloon Girl right behind as she then screamed in my ear as she some how manged to tie them around my ankles.Then before I knew it my head had hit the ceiling and I was once again stuck in the air.

Balloon Girl:"Don't worry Bonnie you'll float to!"


Hope you guys enjoyed!Sorry if I don't upload tommorrow because my mom is taking away my computer  soon which is why I rushed this bye!

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