Molten x Bryan -Seven Minutes in Heaven

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This was requested by 'springtrapisbest' and it is actually taking place the same time as the Funtime Foxy x Rockstar Foxy (lemon) so as a warning there may be a bit of smut.But that's it so I hope you enjoy it and here we go! 'Hurray another story!Said no one ever!'

(Bryan's POV)

'I can not believe this is happening!Lefty actually just paired me with the worst possible person for seven minutes in heaven!I mean Molten really?!To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if he had planned this all along!Now I'm trapped in this bathroom with Molten for seven minutes!'


'Oh no!' I turned around to see that Molten was all the way across the room from me.He just stood there looking at me while I looked at him right back.Then after a moment of us just staring at each other he then began to give me a wicked smile as he now began to take a few steps closer to me. (I'm sorry I just couldn't resist!I absolutely love this video!)

'Oh no,oh no!This isn't happening, this isn't happening!It's fine I just have to stay away from him for seven minutes I've got this.I'm doomed!' As Molten continued to take more steps towards me I began to take steps back until eventually my back had hit the wall behind me.Then in the blink of a eye Molten was right in front of me pinning me to the wall.

Molten:"Oh Bryan this is going to be fun!~"

(Molten's POV)

I stared down at Bryan as he now began to blush slightly at my words. 'Oh the things I could do to him right now!But I suppose I should take it easy on him first. . .we can get to the good stuff later on!'

Bryan:"Molten. . .please don't.I don't like you that way!Actually I don't like you at all!"

Molten:"But you will soon.Yes soon you'll be screaming my name!"

Then once I had finished my sentence I quickly grabbed Bryan by his shoulders and pulled his face to mine.Soon I began to kiss Bryan on his lips very roughly though Bryan began to squirm in my grasp causing me to pull away from him and growl.

Molten:"Bryan if you don't stop squirming I'm going to break both of your legs!"

He then just stopped moving all together and just stared at me with pure fear.

Molten:"That's better."

I then leaned in closer to him and began to kiss and suck all around his neck which actually caused Bryan to moan a bit as his face began to get redder by the second.

Bryan:"M-Molten. .ah. .stop."

Molten:"I'm sorry were you saying something?"

Bryan:"I said s-stop!"

Molten:"Well then since you don't want me to kiss you why don't we try something else!"

Bryan then began to blush very deeply at this and just shook his head at me as though to say no.But before I could comment on how he didn't really have a choice he quickly stopped me by jumping at me catching me off guard and pinning me to the floor.I was actually shocked by his sudden burst of strength as I looked up at him are eyes meeting.Then before I knew it Bryan had kissed me and after about a minute the both of us began to melt into the kiss. 'Yes this is exactly what I always wanted!Soon Bryan will be all mine!' As we continued to kiss I began to take off Bryan's shirt and I was half way through with taking off his pants when we heard a knock at the door.

Lefty:"Alright guys seven minutes are up!You can both come out now!"

'Oh shit!Of course Lefty had to interrupt just when it was getting good!' Bryan then quickly got off of me and began to put on his shirt and sweater that I had managed to get off.Then as he made his way towards the door he stopped and turned around to look at me I was then caught by surprise as he winked at me while smiling.This actually caused me to blush slightly as he then opened the door and walked out.

Molten:"Next time Bryan you wont have Lefty to bail you out!Then I'll be able to do whatever I want.~"


Hope you guys enjoyed it!Sorry this was shorter than my other ones I kind of rushed it but I still think it's pretty decent.So yeah hope you guys liked it and bye! 'When will you learn that know one really cares about you?!They only act like they care because they pity you!'

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