Kids I Hate

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"Oh my gosh. Taylor?" Karlie glanced behind her shoulder, alarmingly looking at Taylor, who minced over to the doorway.

"What now, Karls?" Taylor asked the model, who was wearing an expression of great anxiety and irritation.

"What is this?" Karlie pointed to a little boy, standing outside of the penthouse, who was narrowing his eyes at Karlie. Definitely did not like the model, it seems.

"Oh my gosh! Jamie!" Taylor cried as she bent down to pick the blonde haired boy up.

"And that, Miss, was very rude of you! He's a boy, can't you see?" Taylor frowned at Karlie whilst stroking Jamie's nose.

The young boy was extremely fond of her, he was beaming and all smiles for Taylor.

"Taylor! Is-is that yours?" Karlie gaped at them, her girlfriend playing with Jamie's little fingers.

"Yes, he is mine." Taylor gave her a half-glance and turned to the boy.

"What would Jamie like, now? M and M's?" Taylor asked the boy, who now stood between the two women, giggling at Taylor's sweet disposition towards him.

"What the hell, Taylor??! I knew I shouldn't have let that Styles kid near you! Damn!" Karlie punched the hair in fake anger, pouting.

"Who is this?" The small kid pointed a small stubby finger at Karlie, hugging Taylor's legs as he did so.

"Oh my god. I can't believe this kid!" Karlie blew up her cheeks, her eyes fixed on the small kid.

"Well, Karlie. This is my four year old nephew, Jamie. Jamie, Karlie Kloss. Say hi." Taylor introduced them, gazing at the two glaring at each other.

Nice way to start things off.

"Hi, Miss Kloss." Jamie giggled, as he extended a hand for Karlie.

"What's funny? What's funny with my name huh?" Karlie chided, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Um, Karlie. Kitchen. Now." Taylor coughed as she gently asked Jamie to switch on the Xbox 360.

"Fuck, Taylor! That's my Xbox! Nobody touches my Xbox! Or for that matter, my girl." She softened down, as Taylor led her into the kitchen.

Gesturing her onto the marble counter top, Taylor stood in front of her, hands on her hips.

"Ooh, sexy Mom." Karlie teased her, rolling out her tongue.

"You listen to me, Miss. I have to attend a charity event in about 2 hours, I'm getting off at what, 11 PM in the night? Yeah, so 'til that time, you, Miss Kloss will have to take care of my beloved nephew, whom I love more than you. Lest you..." She stopped, inching closer to Karlie's tanned face, hovering her lips over Karlie's pink pout.

"Lest I what?" Karlie bit her tongue as Taylor teasingly backed off.

She knew Karlie, exactly knew how to manipulate her.

"Lest you don't want me to show you some good moves in bed tonight." Taylor gave her a devious smirk while Karlie watched on.

"Ok, where's the kid?" Karlie jumped down from the counter, apparently looking around for Jamie.

"That's my girl." Taylor finished, as she pinched Karlie's nose.

Both of them walked into the hall, to see Jamie playing Grand Theft Auto, gunning down civilians and crashing down cars into women.



"Oh oh, Meredith!" Jamie finished as he dropped the controller to the ground and ran to the cat, who had been observing him for quite sometime now.

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