All This Time

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"Yes, thank you, Sir."

Karlie thanked the driver of the limousine that Taylor had sent for her pickup.

Taylor had been extremely busy for the past month, what with the announcements, the fans going absolutely crazy over the single, countdowns and but of course, the highlight of the month that was Taylor discovering all of the Tumblr secrets that her pretty little fans had kept from her since infinity.

With such thoughts whirring on her mind, Karlie quietly opened up the door to their apartment.

It had been weeks since she had last seen Taylor, all forms of her communication were restricted from little to none since Parisiennes were extremely observant of all civility. Karlie couldn't have helped herself but days had been extremely hectic and the fashion shows along with the outfit fittings took up all of her time.

Setting Taylor's gifts down on the red couch (which of course, included an iPhone 6), Karlie tiptoed to the kitchen, where she was sure, Taylor would be, maybe cooking or baking for her.

She noticed her girlfriend's tall figure, with her back facing her, waiting for the microwave to hit zero.

Reaching up to her and sliding her hands on her eyes, Karlie whispers in her ear softly,

"How's the prettiest girl on the planet doing?"

Swiftly turning back, Taylor's blue eyes widen in disbelief and immediately falls into Karlie's embrace.

"The prettiest girl on the planet missed her girlfriend. A lot."

Karlie pulls her even closer, observing her as she did so.

She had missed Taylor beyond anything. Being away in Paris for two weeks, made Karlie realise how much she relied on the blonde, how much she needed her and how much she had yearned for her.

"You never even called. I was beginning to worr-worry."

Taylor cried into her sweater, whilst Karlie could already smell the pizza being burnt.

Damn it.

"Hey, don't cry. You know, I missed you too. I love you."

Karlie spoke softly, looking into Taylor's eyes.

Taylor nodded in acknowledgement, but still held on to her.

"Yeah. Alright, so how's everything been going on? I've missed out on a lot, yeah?"

Karlie said, while Taylor walked right beside her to the hallway.

"Nothing much, really. The fan's have been like..."

She pointed to her head, rotating her fingers in a circular motion.

Karlie laughed at her cute gesture, as she remembered how much she had missed Taylor's sweet little antics.

Her asking for Olivia and Mer to eat at the dinner table. The sweetest little smile that would creep her face, when someone would say that they loved Shake It Off. The tinkling laughter that still ringed in her ears, when Taylor would read a post on Tumblr.

She had missed all of her.

"Well, they love you, what can I say? Even though I probably love you more."

Karlie stated as she grabbed Taylor in her arms and lifted her up.

"Whoops. Truth is, I love them more, Miss Kloss."

Taylor said, stroking Karlie's pointed nose.

"Which is why, we should stop before they..."

Taylor muttered before she was cut off by the feel of Karlie's pink pout on her lips.

"Oh my gosh! We are in Taylor's house! Oh my god! Like Taylor Swift?"

A shrill voice sounds, making their hearts skip a beat.

"Oh no."

Four of the chosen fans were standing right before them, their eyes widened in wonder as they realized what was going on.


Karlie mutters under her breath, as she lets down Taylor, who tried to explain about the situation but in vain.


One of them shouted, bringing Taylor and Karlie out of their inexplicable silence.


Karlie laughs as the other two girls passed knowing glances.

How could they possibly know them?

"You two are dating! Jesus, that's the best news I've received in my whole life."

One of the shorter girls that had been silent, giggled at the sight of her two idols, standing side by side, mortified.

"Ah, really? I didn't know Taylor, that you'd made the relationship public without my consent."

Karlie cast Taylor a teasing glance, which the singer reciprocated by nudging her in the back.

"Hi, girls! I'm just so sorry. Karlie, my friend here, just can't control herself. Excuse her please."

Taylor greeted them, so did she with the other guests that had come in by the time.

All of them high fived Karlie and greeted her, before Taylor cut in.

"Karlie, honey. Don't you have somewhere to go? Like attend a gym session, as I'm so informed?"

Taylor asks sweetly, rubbing her hands together as the others watched on eagerly.

"But it's-"

Taylor raised her eyebrows, causing Karlie to take back her words.

"Yeah, I'll just. Like um go to the gym. I'll probably see you later. Have a good time, guys."

Karlie waved them goodbye, walking toward the door.

Flicking it open, Karlie looked out to see loads of paparazzi waiting out there for photos.

"Hey, wait."

Taylor's left hand rested on her back, the right fixed on Karlie's waist.

"I love you. And I probably never said that before."

The blonde blushed before, embracing her again and closing the gap between them, in a quick kiss.

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