Life Happens

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"C'mon! Selena can do way better than Justin!"

Taylor reckoned, raising her palm towards Karlie's face while one of her hands remained fixed on the driving wheel.

"But can't you see? They seem so happy together, Taylor! Bet you 100 they will get back together."

Karlie told her off, running her fingers through her hair.

They were driving on a cold, chilly New York night to grab some dinner at this restaurant that Taylor had chosen.

"Yeah of course. Feel free to sleep on the couch this week, honey. People with different opinions are no longer welcome on my bed."

Taylor tried to maintain a straight face as she said so, but the expression on Karlie's face was just priceless. She looked like she had just got hit by a bus.

"You know. Niall is better for Selena. Yeah, I totally agree."

Karlie shook her head in agreement, immediately changing her statements to suit her girlfriend's opinion lest she landed on the couch for the entire week.

Tapping her fingers on the window shield, Karlie pressed her nose against it and stared at the snowy surroundings. Tall, green Xmas trees were decorated with the angels on top, glowing in the backyard. Youngsters were strolling down the street, huddled together conversing about what their parents and friends would get themselves on their birthday.

Snorting, she turned back to Taylor who seemed to be drowsy at the moment. The album having released, she had no time for sleep, hardly getting an hour or two for sleep and sometimes not even that. Feedback, reviews, critiques and responses from the Swifties kept her up all night, preventing her from having a good night's sleep.

"I can drive if you want. You look tired, baby."

Karlie said, tucking a strand of astray hair behind Taylor's ears.

Taylor declined the offer, saying that it was alright and she could drive very well to the restaurant. Where would be the surprise if Taylor didn't drive and had to give out the location to Karlie? She didn't want to do that!

"Your wish."

Karlie mumbled under her breath, turning her attention back to the windows.

Taylor glanced sideways at Karlie, who puffed up her cheeks and kept staring out.

Drowsy as she was, (and Karlie had been so happy to imply) Taylor failed of noticing a pickup truck, with loud music blasting throughout driving towards them.


Taylor screamed as she panicked and left control of the wheel and the car whirled around on impact, and from the corner of the blood trickling through her forehead, Taylor saw Karlie's head go through the windshield.

Even though she herself was bleeding and her vision was blurred due to the crash, she forced herself out of the car and ran towards the figure of her girlfriend that lay sprawled on the ground.

"Oh no. Please, please. DON'T DIE. OH GOD!"

Taylor cried as she held onto Karlie's face that was bleeding profusely. Her whole body had shards of glass sticking to it, some that had penetrated through her sweater and some pieces had pierced her forehead.

Taylor pressed her palms against the heart of the model, trying to make her breathe if she could.

"Karlie. Stay with me. Don't go. Please! PLEASE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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