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By the time we got to Central, it was already morning. I was walking in while the brothers were talking to someone. Walking down to the Colonel's office, I noticed Hawkeye carrying a stack of papers in her hand. "Hey Hawkeye."

"Oh hello Ash. Welcome back. Sorry. I can't talk right now. Have a lot of Colonel's work to do," she says while walking.

"Why don't I help you carry those. They seem kinda heavy for papers," I smile. She smiles back and nods before handing me a small stack. I walk, slightly behind, into a room with Lieutenant Breda, Havoc, Fuery and Falman.

I smile as they complain about the work the Colonel's let pile up. Hearing a noise, I see Ed and Al walk through. Fuery, who still hadn't notice the brothers were here, was complaining about the receiver not working. Ed smiles and uses alchemy to fix it.

"Hey it's Edward and Alphonse. Wait where's Ash?," I put my head down and raise my hand.

"Right here," he looks over towards me and scratches the back of his neck.

"Sorry," he looks over at me apologetically. I smile and wave my hand as if saying forget about it.

"Welcome back boys," Hawkeye greets the boys. "Go on in. The Colonel's expecting you."

At her words, Ed looks annoyed. I giggle slightly before walking off with them into the Colonel's office.

When we walk in, we take a seat on one of the couches and wait for the Colonel to say something. "Well done in the Liore case you guys. Nice work. I appreciate your resolving in the matter."

Annoyed, Ed answers with, "No big deal. It's not like we did it for you."

"Right. The Philosopher stone. Another false lead?," I nod to answer his question. He nods back and sighs slightly.

"Yeah," Ed looks down. "After all that, the stone was a fake. Even so, the power it gave Cornello was enough."

"That's true," I add. "He did many things like it was nothing."

"Yeah. He transmuted this huge chimera right in front of us," Ed places his hand under his chin in a thinking pose.

"I still wonder how he was able to use the stone to do that. I'm not familiar enough with the field bio-alchemy to really understand it," Al adds in.

"Yeah. I'm kinda curious about that too. It might be worth looking into. Who knows. Maybe will find something that can help us restore our bodies," Ed looks up at Al.

I look over at Mustang to see him looking in his desk. "It might help if you consulted a specialist."

"What specialist?," I ask as I tilt my head to the side.

"The Sewing-Life alchemist. Shou Tucker. He's done some heavy research into chimera transmutation. I'll introduce you," Mustang tells us.

"You would do that for us?," Al asks surprised.

Ed, not believing a thing Mustang is saying, jumps up from his seat and point a finger at Mustang . "Okay! What's the catch? You want something don't you!"

"Don't doubt my motives!," Mustang slams his hands on the desk. "I'm trying to repay you for your work in the Liore case. Doing you a favor is better than being indebted to you."

"You can be nice?," I ask, jokingly.

"Yes, I can!," he exclaims back. I can't help but laugh at his response. He smirks and leans back on his chair.

"Come on," he rises up from his chair. "I'll have Lieutenant Hawkeye gets us a car."

He walks outside and talks to Hawkeye while we just wait. Once Hawkeye gets a car, we sit inside and go this Shou Tucker's place.

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