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"Shut up man damn." The first man added
"How she gone tell? Dead people can't talk."
The men began to argue and I knew that was my chance to try to call someone. With trembling hands I started to dial. I thought of only one person to call. Nico.
"Nico... Hel—-p me." I said with a shaky voice,"Who's paying you."
"Someone higher than you." the second man said.
Then Nico hangs up. I couldn't comprehend why he would do that. maybe it was him.
"Is it Ms.Morgan? Stacy? Jordyn?"
"No." they both added.
The gunshots were not as loud as I had anticipated. The metal fragments, spiraling through the air, pierced the men's chest without consideration, and without real meaning. I would never know who put the hit out on me, all I knew was that it wasn't anyone that I knew. They stared down at where the bullet had carved a hole into their chest. I knew the pain they felt was excruciating and I could tell the terrible agony seared through their body. They felt overwhelmed, to know they were dying today, and not me. They started to panic as they were losing consciousness. Suddenly everything went completely silent. I looked behind me to see Nico holding the gun. I could tell that he wasn't sorry and that this wasn't his first victims. I didn't cry, I couldn't cry because I didn't believe that the boy I know and love would ever kill someone. I began to mumble incoherent things through my shaking hands, I tried to make the bodies of the men disappear but I only made it worse. We stared at each other for a moment then-- he pulled me close holding me like our lives depended on it.
"Those... men probably h-ad fam-ilies." I mumbled.
"It's okay." He said calmly.
"It's not okay!" I said, "you killed them."
"They were going to kill you."
I didn't say anything because he was right. At the end of the day my body could've ended up here and alone. And those men wouldn't have even given me a single thought.
"Wait in the car for me."
"What no. DON'T LEAVE ME."
"I have to go clean up this, and then I'll be all yours."
I sat in the car for an hour waiting for Nico to finish what I had started. He had killed those men because I had a hit on me. I had ultimately signed his life over to the injustice of the legal system. I could see it already where he would have to sleep on tiny metallic frame with a worn out mattress that they call a bed with no windows. Nothing but the cold accompanied by being treated like an animal. In the corner of his small inhumane cell was a toilet bowl. In there privacy doesn't exist to the people running it. It's just a word that means absolutely nothing like the lives of the people in there. If I told, that would be Nico's fate. When we got to Nico's house we laid up watching tv and talking about our feelings. All of the sudden there was a loud banging at the door. Nico slipped out of bed and I immediately jumped out of bed with him heading to the door.
"Yes,Officer." Nico said.
"We have a warrant to search your house." The officer said holding up the piece of paper.
"Go right ahead." Nico said.
As I clinged to Nico's arm, I could tell that Nico was upset and that he was nervous. I was nervous too because we had just committed a crime. What if the police officers knew what we had done? About 10 police officers enter his house, destroying things like untamed animals.
"I'll sue your whole department,if you break another fucking thing in my house."
"Nico that's a case you wouldn't win." Officer Fields added.
"Want to bet." Nico said aggressively.
"Nico, they're going to pay for this." I said.
"I don't think so. You guys think you're higher than the law and you're not we are higher than you guys will ever be." Officer Fields said.
"Don't talk to her or I swear to god, I'll end you." Nico said.
"Is that a fucking threat Nico?" Officer Fields said.
"Take it how you want Officer Fields."
"Don't chose him, chose the side of the good people." Officer Fields said to me smiling.
Something about what Officer Fields said rubbed me the wrong way. That's when I had realized that the man that had tried to kill me had said that someone higher than me. That was similar to what officer fields had said to me. Was the police behind hiring a hit on me? Should I tell Nico? No I can't tell Nico, he would massacre everyone in the police station. He can't know. The police failed at finding what they had come for. Whatever that was. I still didn't understand why the police would come to Nico's house with a search warrant. Nico seemed to know the police officers as if they were familiar with one another. Which had confused me even more. After the police officers left, Nico and I had talked for hours about the future. It helped me to know that he saw me in his future. Months passed. Nico and I spent every waking minute catching up because it felt like we had fallen out of touch. We went to restaurants, drove around the city, took mini trips, hung out at his house more, and had a lot of car conversations that meant everything to me. Which brings me to today, the moment that everything changed. When I realized that this could be something.

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