and it begins

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Author's POV

Diya and Arjun came together to the dining table for the breakfast even though they were at logger heads, Arjun's mother nodded while his father asked for Diya's whereabouts last night.

"She was at a meeting, dad" Arjun replied for her, while Diya looked at him in dismay.

"Anyway mother" Arjun continued, "you know the ritual where the wife cooks something sweet for her husband, we haven't had that yet" he then smirked at Diya

Diya knew how to cook, one cannot sustain without knowing how to cook! But something sweet for the entire family, seemed preposterous. Besides what if they didn't like it? She barely know their taste, forget anyone else, she barely even spoke to Arjun! Was this ordeal gonna be as easy as it seemed?

"Sure , that time the marriage seemed to happen in a haste, but we can have the ritual now!" Arjun's mother replied, after all she wanted to see the proficiency of this unknown girl as well

"What will you make bhabhi" Arjun's sister Shreya asked enthusiastically while his brother Dev continued to eat his toast ignorantly

"One has to make, what their husband loves the most,     that is....'kheer'" replied Arjun's mother

What kind of a ritual was this, Diya thought to herself The wife cooks for the husband but the husband does nothing! And at this point her husband just seemed to loving to torment her! Moreover Kheer! She didn't even know what that tasted like, let alone know how to cook it! But would saying no to it mean that Arjun was winning? How hard could it be, google makes everything simple!

"Sure why not" DIya said, her smile was just excess and she looked towards Arjun "whatver", gestured Arjun.

'how to make kheer', googled Diya as soon as she entered the kitchen, it seemed easy, she followed the instructions and after a few times of trial and error she finally had what seemed like Kheer. She put it in a bowl and brought it forward to the table, her excitement about her feat suddenly empowered her reflexes when she suddenly fell over someone's leg, she fell down and the Kheer bowl fell down with a crack splattering the Kheer everywhere. 

Everyone came to the table hurriedly, Diya turned around as she slowly brought her self up, Arjun understanding the intensity of the situation looked at her apologetically, Diya looked away, she could feel a pain shoot up in her right foot, it was bad, she could feel something flowing out as well. 

Diya gathered her courage along with the glass peices when Shreya brought the cloth to clean the mess. Suddenly the pain become unbearable, diya looked down to see a pool of blood and she would've fallen down if Arjun's reflexes hadn't saved her.

"Diya!" Arjun called out and rushed to her support. Before she even knew, Arjun was carrying her to her room as the other members followed him. Diya felt dizzy, not because the cut was deep, which it was but because suddenly she felt like this marriage was a big mistake! Suddenly Arjun began seeming evil. She wanted to cry but she held that tear that tried to trickle down, rather tightly. She was placed on the bed, She saw Arjun rushing with the first aid, as soon as he tried touch her foot she pushed his hand away! 

"don't you dare touch me, you wanted this to happen now dont pretend to care, I can take care of myself"she said,  Arjun looked on guiltity. 

Suddenly Arjun's mother appeared into the room. she sternly commanded Arjun to leave the room to which he complied. Diya was left in the room with her mother in law, she didn't know what to say or what to do, especially after the last evening. Arjun's mother's hands slowly touched her feet, and with one hand she held the cotton, as she added the dettol to the cotton, Diya interjected, "You don't have to do it!" adding an "aunty" under her breath. 

At which her MIL looked at her and smiled. She said, "Diya, I know you don't consider me a mother and after circumstances like these, It wouldn't be fair to you as well! but trust me, I'm not as bad as I did seem last evening, that was very impulsive and I'm extremely apologetic about it" By then she had started cleaning it, and Diya began blowing on it and trying to control her urge to scream like a little kid! "that's it, it'll be done in a minute honey", that really touch Diya's heart. 

By then, Arjun had called a doctor from the nearby clinic, the doctor came and everyone assembled around the bed, the doctor began inspecting the deep wound for any more pieces of glass, " How did it happen" inquired the doctor, "I just slipped while carrying a bowl", Diya replied with an awkward smile while Arjun looked at her. After almost 40 minutes, the bandaging and the prescription was done. The doctor had prescribed a mandatory bed rest for a week, the prescription wasn't required as Diya herself couldn't move around. 

Arjun entered the room with a glass of water and a packet of medicines. He brought it towards Diya and handed it over to her without looking at him, Diya took it from him and had the medicines. 

"Do you wanna get into your night suit right now", he asked

"WHY DO YOU CARE" she snapped

"Well good luck doing it on your own!"

Diya sighed but replied, "maybe I will" and she tried to leap out of her bed and almost lost her balance,  falling into Arjun's arms. 

"Are you done?" Arjun asked impassively, Diya looked away.

With her hand over his shoulder, she began limping and they reached the bathroom. Arjun pulled out her night clothes as she sat on the little place on the slab. He closed his eyes when she removed her Tshirt, she noticed that. When it came to changing her bottoms, her hand slowly held on to his shoulder as he carefully and timidly removed her pants. Once they were done changing, Diya was transported back to her bed. She could feel the wound throbbing and it seemed to be getting painful. The wound was supposed to be dressed again, but Diya just didn't feel like, a women who was always prepared for all the challenges, she felt tired, weak and alone. She wanted someone by her side, which was unnatural for Diya as she was the one who stayed away from all the emotional hassles.

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