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Andrew and Allison place the cans down on the front table and in the fright from being around all of us Allison runs back to her chair forgetting her own drink

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Andrew and Allison place the cans down on the front table and in the fright from being around all of us Allison runs back to her chair forgetting her own drink.

Leaning into my bag I grab a packet of baby carrots that I managed to quickly snatch from the fridge this morning and begin to silently eat them. Claire pulls out a shopping bag and Bender raises a brow.

"What's in there?"

"Guess, where's your lunch?"

"Your sister is wearing it..." he says turning back and winking at me. I grin at him as Claire mutters,

"You're nauseating." Out the corner of my eye I see an arm raised and so I lean forward and grab a can of coke throwing it back for Allison and she catches it without looking up. Before I can lean back Bender smacks my arse so I sit straight up slapping his head but laughing telling him I wasn't really mad.  Bender turns back to Claire seeing her pull out a board and a black box. When she opens the box he pulls a face.

"What's that?"



"Rice, uh, raw fish and seaweed." She giggles but her smile drops at him next question.

"You won't accept a guys tongue in your mouth and you're gonna eat that?"

"Can I eat?"

"I don't know...give it a try..."he leans back and turns his head to me,

"How come she gets fresh sushi and you only get a pack of-" his attention is brought away from me though as we see Andrew pull out a very big bag where he continues to pull out an entire store.

"What's your problem?" Andrew turns and the three of us on his side of the room. We don't get to respond as we head a loud slap and turn to see a piece of meat fall from a sculpture. I instantly look to Allison knowing the likelihood is it was her. I was right. she opens some pixie straws and pours the sugar on the bread before adding Cap'n Crunch on top of that. Somehow she manages to pick the mess up before crunching her teeth down into it and chewing it loudly. A small smile pokes from my lips and Bender shakes his head in confusion before going over to sit next to Brian. Looking round our own table I see Bender doesn't have a bag or anything where his lunch could be. Picking the Twinkie out my bag I place it in front of where Bender was previously sat and place a couple of my carrots there too.

"Did your mom marry Mr. Rogers?!" Bender shouts sarcastically.

"Uh, no, Mr. Johnson." Brian says seriously and I giggle at his stupidity.

"Here's my impression of life at Bri's house." Bender says rubbing his hands together and going to stand at the back. I turn in my seat and munch on another carrot being intrigued.

(Mother, father, Brian )


"Yeah Dad?"

"How's your day, pal?"

"Great Dad, how's yours?"

"Super, say son, how'd you like to go... FISHING this weekend?"

"Great Dad, but I've got homework to do!" He pouts.

"That's alright son, you can do it, on the boat!"

"Geee!!!" He exclaims pitting his index fingers near his mouth as little dimples.

"Dear, isn't our son swell?"

"Yes Dear, isn't life swell?" Bender says in a soft voice.

Bender mines Brian's parents kissing before he pulls away and suddenly shows his father punching his mother. I look awkwardly over to Brian but he's keeping his empty gaze on Bender. This isn't funny anymore.

"Alright, what about your family?" Andrew shouts.

"Oh, mine?" Bender asks before spinning round and going back to his spot,

"That's easy!"

( Same key, also hiii :) )

"Stupid, worthless, no good, God damned, freeloading, son of a bitch, retarded, bigmouth, know it all, asshole, jerk!"

"You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful." Bender slams his hand back as a way of him showing his dad slap his mother.

"Shut up bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie!"

"What about you Dad?"

"Fuck you!"

"No, Dad, what about you?"

"Fuck you!"

"No, Dad, what about you?"

"Fuck you!" I wince as he shouts. Bender then reaches out and pretends his father is hitting him. Subconsciously I reach my right hand and rub my side where I know there's a bruise from my own old man.

"Is that for real?" Brian asks and I roll my eyes.

"You wanna come over sometime?" He asks while walking over to me. He placed a kiss on the top of my head and I look up at him, giving him a smile through my watery eyes.

"That's bullshit. It's all part of your image, I don't believe a word of it." Andrew mutters and I gape at him before my eyes flicker back to Bender who actually looks hurt.

"You don't believe me?"

"No..." Andrew replies but I hear a little unsure tone run through his voice.


"Did I stutter?" He says a little more confidently. I feel Benders grip on my shoulder slip and I grab it as he walks over to Andrew. He looks back at me and I shake my head pleadingly. He shakes his hand out of mine and rolls his sleeve up when he reaches Andrew revealing a circular burn mark.

"Do you believe this? Huh? It's about the size of a cigar..." he leans in so he's only inches apart from Andrew, "Do I stutter? You see, this is what you get in my house when you spill paint in the garage." Bender huffs and begins walking away, angrily pulling his sleeve down.

"See I don't think that I need to sit here with you fuckin' dildos anymore!" Bender walks to the second floor stairs and throws the maps from the table on the floor while on his way there.

"You shouldn't have said that.." Claire mutters and I jump up from my seat walking round to stand in front of Andrew.

"What did you get out of that huh? It was pretty clear he wasn't fucking lying. Just because it was a fucking dramatic thing doesn't mean it's not possible. Just because your life's so great doesn't mean everyone else's is. Lots of people and stuck getting beat by their parents because people like you refuse to believe and see it...Your a dick." I slap him across the face and the sounds rings round the silent room.

Not letting him reply I stomp away grabbing the food I had put on the table for Bender and heading up to him.

I take a couple breaths to calm down before I slowly creepy up the stairs.

"Go away." Bender grounds out angrily. My walking pauses but I just continue and sit next to him.

"Here." He turns his head lazily to me and gives me a small smile,

"Sorry didn't know if was you." I look down to my hands and his gaze follows.

"Those for me?" I nod shyly. And he chuckles which brings a grin to my face, god his laughs hot.

After he demolished the food I gave him, quite quickly might I add, he stands up and holds a hand out for me.

"Come on sexy, we're going for a walk."

The Breakfast Club - - John Bender Where stories live. Discover now