Chapter One

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 As I ran through the woods of Beacon Hills, I felt as if I was being followed. I ran a bit faster and pulled my jacket closer to my body as I felt the wind going right through me. I ran until I came up on an old burnt down house. I stopped in front of it and studied it. I don't know why, but I feel as if I have been here before. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I thought. My thoughts were interrupted as I head a twig snap from behind me. I didn't even look back before I began to run. I was warned that there were hunters in Beacon Hills, hence the reason I didn't turn around. I felt the person running right behind me and picked up my pace. Even though I picked up my pace the person had no trouble keeping up. I turned my head slightly behind me to see two guys running straight at me. My eyes grew and I turned my head back and ran as fast as I could. Apparently that wasn't fast enough. Before I could even turn a corner I was knocked to the ground. My instincts kicked in and my eyes went red. I looked up and the person who tackled me and growled. It was one of the men following me. Another growl escaped my throat and he returned it as his partner did the same. I smirked as I got a clear vision of who exactly it was. I was face to face with Aiden, one of the members of Deucalion's pack. I looked over and saw Ethan. I smirked even more as I saw Aiden and Ethan smirk. 
        "Glad, to see you made it." Aiden said to me. I looked at him and smiled. 
        "Thanks. Now do you mind getting off of me?" I asked. He scoffed and shook his head. 
        "I think I like this position." I growled and kicked him off of me flying him into a tree. I got up and dusted myself off as Aiden stood up and walked up next to his brother. Aiden growled at me and I smirked. 
        "Learn next time." I said with a scoff. He rolled his eyes and walked off. Ethan followed and so did I.
        "Don't worry about him. He hates when he gets shown up." Ethan explained to me. I looked over at him and smiled. 
        "Good to know. By the way I'm Ella, Ella Thompson." I said and stopped in front of him and stuck out my hand. Ethan smiled and took my hand in his. 
        "I know." he laughed. "I'm Ethan." he said with a smile. I laughed and nodded. 
        "I know. And your pain in the ass brother, Aiden, is ahead of us." I smirked. I heard Aiden growl and I let out a laugh.
        "I can hear you." he commented. 
        "I know. I just like pissing you off." I smirked. Aiden spun around and came face to face with me. I didn't notice how close we were until he let out a breath. 
        "Watch it princess." he growled. I smirked and pushed his chest and he stumbled backwards. 
        "Watch who your calling princess." I said narrowing my eyes. He rolled his eyes and continued to walk. I smiled in success and walked behind him with Ethan next to me. 
        As we walked to where Deucalion was, it seemed like we were walking through the woods for what seemed like forever. We finally made a clearing to what seemed like a lacrosse field. I watched as I saw practice going on. I watched as some impressive tosses and tackles were made. I paid so much attention to the field that I didn't realize that Ethan and Aiden were well ahead of me. I picked up my pace to an almost jog before i caught up to them. They stopped by a couple of bikes. Aiden got on one and Ethan got on the other. Ethan passed me a helmet and I got on the back of his bike and put on my helmet. I put my hands on Ethan's sides as he took off. They both stopped as we came in front of a bank. I took off my helmet and got off the bike. I shook my hair as I knew it was a mess. Ethan held out his hand to take the helmet and I gave it to him with a smile. He put it in a compartment and started walking into the back with his brother, but as for me, I hesitated a little. 
        "Come on." Aiden said ushering me to walk with them. I sighed and walked in. I looked around to see it completely empty. I put my hands in my pockets as I walked with them into a room. As we walked in we saw everyone sitting at a table. Ethan and Aiden grabbed seats next to each other and I just stood in the door way. I saw Aiden lean over to Deucalion and whisper something to him. I looked at everyone at the table and hugged my jacket closer. My eyes landed on Deucalion as he stood up. 
        "Ella Thompson, so glad you could join us. Please sit." he cooed. I did as he said and took a seat next to Aiden and a girl with long dark hair and extremely long nails. "So, before you can become part of this pack you have to do a task." Deucalion explained. I sat up a bit straighter and took my hands out of my pockets. 
        "Okay, and what is that task exactly?" I asked confused.
        "I need you to, persuade a couple of people to become part of this pack. You also need to prove your loyalty. And when the time for that task comes I will tell it. But for now I need you to focus on these two people." he explained. 
        "Uh, okay. And who are these two people?" I questioned. I saw Deucalion smiled slightly and leaned back in his chair. 
        "Derek Hale and Scott McCall." he explained. 
        "And how exactly do I persuade them?" I ask leaning forward. 
        "However you please." he replied smiling. I sighed and sat back in my chair crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh and once more thing. You'll be going to school with Ethan and Aiden." he said smiling. My eyes got wide and I thought they were going to pop out of my head.
        "Come again?" I asked.
        "You will be attending Beacon Hills High School with Ethan and Aiden. You'll be a junior, just like them." I sighed and sat back in my chair again.
        "I thought that's what you said." I said to myself. And with that everyone started chatting again and I stayed quiet thinking about what the hell I am going to do to persuade this Derek Hale and Scott McCall to be part of the pack.

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