Chapter 7: I Love You More...

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After she settled in for a couple of weeks, I've been taking her out on... ugh, fine... dates. And more and more, we began to enjoy it... enjoying it a bit too much. On every date... I always had the urge to kiss her cheek or hold her hand... and I always held myself back. Why? Easy... I'm scared to lose her quickly to Erwin. And he's been charming her too.

I seen him do it before. One day, it was when we were meeting up to our Physics class, and he brought her a doughnut. A freaking doughnut. She slowly drifted to his side and I couldn't do anything except take her out to a restaurant for lunch on weekends. But I honestly cannot keep this up. I cannot keep fighting Erwin over Hanji... because he's wearing me down by one-upping me by granting her gifts of affection.

If only... 

"Levi?" I perked up from my books. My eyes grew heavy as I opened them to the setting sun. Hanji looked down towards me with care growing within her beautiful hazel eyes. "School's closing right now. Come on..."

I groaned as I forced myself out of the chair, packing my books into my bag and making my way out of the school with Hanji. And the whole way out... we were silent. The pattering of our feet against the floor echoed among the empty halls. 

"Hanji... um... what are we doing tonight?" I yawned softly as we exited out of the school. 

She sighed heavily, sitting on the stone benches that were outside. Worried, I sat down next to her, slowly reaching out to her hand. "Levi... can... can I be honest with you? Please don't judge me or anything..."

"You can be honest with me with anything and I won't judge you, Hanji." My hand finally gripped on hers, and I squeezed tightly. With all my heart, I wanted her to know that I truly cared about her... and I will always stay by her side. "Tell me what's wrong..."

Hanji nods her head as I saw a small tear slip down her precious face. "Levi... you do know what Erwin is doing, right? With all his flirting and stuff... right?"

My heart beats quickly as I heard the confirmation that Erwin has been, in fact, flirting with her. I mean... it wasn't overt about hiding his actions from me. I'm sure he knew that I loved Hanji... and he wanted to be with her to mess me up. But being a friend to her, I nodded my head and accepted that fact that she might consider being with Erwin. "Yeah, I know what he's been doing. What's wrong?"

She continued to sigh. "Well... I honestly feel like... I'm liking him..."

Hearing that was like hearing a heart being torn apart. "Oh... I see..." But I never let go of her hand.

"But Levi... this is... this is where I have to be honest..." I looked up to hear her next words, pulling myself closer to her. "I... I uh..." She sighed heavily and I tried to speak to her- but it was before she kissed me. Not on my cheek... but on my mouth.

I held her hand tightly and pulled her closer- kissing her back. As we kissed, I felt her teardrops fall onto my cheeks. I pulled away to use my hand to wipe her tears away... and I smiled with comfort to her. "Hanji... I... I have something to add onto that..." I say with a small chuckle.

My eyes met with her hazel ones, and I smiled. "Wh-Which is what?"

Pulling her close, I whispered into her ear: "I love you, Hanji... I loved you ever since we knew each other online..." I then kissed her cheek, chuckling softly. "And I have something else to say before Erwin comes and asks you... but um... will you go out with me?"

"Yes... I-I will, Levi..." She says, kissing my cheek. "I love you too..."

*   *   *

The next day during lunch, Erwin came up with a smirk on his face. He held a small box gently as he handed it to Hanji... and I eyed him with jealousy. But... Hanji and I are already going out... was I too worried she might leave towards him?

"I got you a doughnut, Hanji..." He chuckles softly as he slid it against the table towards her.

She simply looked at it, taking it and smirking back to him. "Thanks for the doughnut... unfortunately... I already chosen who I'm going out with..." Hanji then turns to me, smiling gently. "I'm gonna go out with Levi..."

His cold, icy eyes stared at me with jealousy as a growl escapes his throat. "So... you're gonna be her boyfriend, Levi? Huh?"

I simply shrugged my shoulders. "I love Hanji more than you love her. And... I really do love you..."

Hanji chuckles towards me, "And it's true that I love you more..." A small blush appeared on her face... and after that, Erwin stomped away. Hanji and I both exchanged looks to each other, knowing we had each other's backs. 

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