Chapter 3: Breaking the Barrier

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After confronting everyone about a face reveal, we all agreed and readied ourselves. My palms began to sweat as I stared at the camera on my computer, wondering what Hanji looked like. Once everyone was online and ready, I called them all online and saw their faces. And finally... Hanji.

Her hair was a bit messy, but I still saw her chocolate brown hair. A plastic glasses frame was on her face, in front of her hazel eyes... in other words, she was... mesmerizing. She chuckles softly as she looks all over her screen. "H-Hey guys... um... I'm guessing Petra is the only other girl." She gave a smirk... and I liked it.

Petra laughed, "Yep! Hi Hannah."

And instantly... I saw her face... full of disappointment. After all, her fake name is because of her panicking and she probably regrets it. "H-Hi..." She says nervously. Jeez... and I wish I could help her.

"Alright, um, any other questions? Need help figuring out who is who?" I asked, kinda forcing a smile. 

Hanji chuckles a bit, smiling towards me. "Yes, I do. Who are you?"

As I opened my mouth to respond to her, Erwin snickered and jumped in: "He's the midget of the group, Hannah."

"Erwin! I swear- I'm gonna rip your eyebrows out of your face and stuff it down your throat!" I growled to him, making everyone else laugh.

Especially Hanji... she laughed and laughed... making me blush a bit. Through her laughter, she manages to speak to me. "Y-You're Levi then, am I right?"

I nodded, trying to shake off the embarrassment. "Yeah. The idiot with huge as- eyebrows is Erwin. The other dirty blonde is Eld. Gunther is the quiet one and Oluo is the guy who looks like an idiot. Eren... well, I have no idea what he is. He a brunet."

Hanji chuckles softly. "Ah, I see." Jeez... she does look cute...

Erwin cleared his throat and smirked a bit. "Hey Hannah, can I ask you something? Kinda important to us, as a group."

"Ask away."

"What do you think of Levi so far? Is he a cool midget? A mean midget?"

My fists tightened a bit... and I lost all my control over my anger. "Erwin! I'm do beating your rat butt tomorrow! I'll make the whole school know! I'll make them watch!" I continued to growl at him as the whole group roared with laughter.

"Oi oi, calm down a bit." Hanji laughs softly with a huge grin on her face. "I know I'm pretty new, but let's not all hit on Levi right away, okay?"

Erwin began to calm down a bit, chuckling softly. "Alright, alright. I'll tone it down a bit."

"Also. In all honesty, I think Levi is an amazing midget." She chuckles, making me warm inside my cold room. Everyone continued to roast me on the fire for a couple more minutes, and finally, we began to play with an unexpected twist.

*   *   *

"I did the honors of adding some mods to the game." Erwin says with a smirk. "You guys find that out yourself about what it does."

I sighed, rolling my eyes as my character began to refine the diamond I found. "Whatever." I then tried to find Hanji in the game. "Four-Eyes. Where are you?"

Hanji finds me and grins with that smile on her beautiful face of hers... "Here! Is my nickname Four-Eyes now?"

"Maybe..." I snickered to her, accidentally right-clicking her character and some options came up. The highlighted one was 'Marry'

I couldn't click anywhere else, and when I did click, it tells me the proposal was sent. "Levi... what is this?" Hanji asks, tilting her head.

"What is what?" I felt the blood coursing through my face... and I had a pretty good idea about what it was about.

"The game is telling me that you're proposing to me..." My eyes instantly scanned the call as I saw everyone looking at the camera all surprised... except for Erwin. He was trying to hold his laughter in. "Um... what should I do?"

"Accept it, Hannah!" He shouts with a smirk.

And Hanji nodded, accepting the proposal. "Now... we're married... according to the game." I blushed at that as everyone 'awed' at us. "Heh... that's a cool mod, Erwin."

When I looked at Erwin, he smirked so big that I saw why he did this. When I began to discuss things with him, I guess he kinda assumed that there is something between us. Oh... he set this damn thing up. I'm giving him a black eye tomorrow- right before school starts. Hope he can explain that smoothly.

"Your welcome, Hannah. Have fun with that. Oh! Also, with that mod, you can do a lot of other things. Such as having a child and a family. You know... we can have a little Acker-"

"Erwin! Not my last name!" I growled. "That's way too low!"

He nods, "Sorry, sorry. I got too ahead of myself."

Hanji chuckles softly, "Oh? Your last name? Hm... Acker-something, eh? I have good ears..." Maybe... I should tell this to her when everyone is offline...

"Yeah... it's a bad last name- I admit it."

She smiles gently, calming me down from the blood running through my ears. The rapid heartbeat began to slow down when I heard her sweet voice. "Don't worry... I get you. The same goes for my last name."

"What? I doubt it Hanj- Hannah." I quickly recovered from my small mistake. I couldn't mess up... not now. I'll wait until she's more... comfortable with everyone. "I doubt it."

She smiles, pushing her hair back. "Eh... maybe. Maybe not." Her chuckles... such sweetness... "Oh well." In the distance, I heard some shouting and Hanji groaned. "Crap... I-I gotta go early. I'm sorry... I-I wish I could play more."

"It's okay... I understand. We'll play soon." I say to her, with her smiling softly.

"I'll see when I can play again... but now... I-I gotta go!" She says frantically before logging off completely. 

Admitting it, I wanted her to keep playing... but if she has problems at home... I understand her being discreet. "Hey Levi..." I turned to see Erwin smirking. "Seems like you got a wife now."

"Tch... shut up, Erwin!" I growled to him. Wanting to punch him through the screen... but tomorrow morning, I get to do whatever I want to do.

*   *   *

After playing and before I went off to bed, I quickly sent a private message to Hanji... and I did the most dangerous thing. I sent her both my email and phone number... and another message to add on. 

"Hey Hanji... I heard a bit of commotion on your side. And if you ever want to get into contact with me, here's some things you can use to help you contact with me. Trust me, it's not creepy."

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