Chapter 8: Farewells

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I never thought of parting with Hanji... especially when she was moving away to a different place for college. I kept convincing myself that we won't truly be apart because we can always call and always play games... she can always be my online lover when we're not together in real life. But today's the day... when she leaves onto the bus and away from me. 

For one last farewell, I decided to take her out on one last date. Her luggage was packed in my car, since I was dropping her off, and we went to the nearest ramen restaurant.

She chuckles softly as we were on our way there, gazing outside the passenger window. "Can't you believe it, Levi? The past two years has been... oh, I don't know... satisfying..." She turns to me with a smile on her face. "And I'm gonna miss it..."

"Tch, Hanji... stop." I say, wanting to stop her from saying goodbye. Somehow, I thought that if I could never say goodbye to her, she never truly leaves me. "Just please..."

"But Levi-"

"I said for you to stop... please. I... I can't take this anymore."

She tilts her head, curious at me. "L-Levi? Okay, what's going on with you? Every since I announced that I would be going to school out of state... you've been distant. What's wrong?" Her voice dropped down to a soft and calming.

"I... I don't want you to go..." Words began to flow out of my mouth as I confessed to her. "I don't want you to leave me... even though we're still a couple..."

A heavy sigh fell from her as she adjusts her glasses. "Levi, you should know this... I just... wanted a fresh star-"

"Practically away from me..." I continued to grumble as I kept driving. "I understand that you want one, it's just... I don't know... I can't explain it."

"You do know I'm not doing this to get away from you... I actually wish you would move with me. We could get an apartment, rent it out, and live with each other. No big deal. We can just... make it work out- together."

I sighed more, wanting to pull over and just talk forever with her. "Hanji... please-"

"You don't understand... Levi, as much as I love you... it's still painful being in the general area near my dad. Don't you understand that? Please... move with me. Don't you want to move with me and live together? That way you can keep an eye on me and keep me safe." She says with amusement in her tone. Her eyes glinted with joy, overcoming her terrible memories.

I nodded my head, completely understanding her. But... do I really want to drop everything for her? Of course I would. "Hanji, we're missing the bus."

"Eh?! Levi! I need that bus... that's the only way-"

"It's not the only way, four-eyes." A smirk just appeared on my face, "We're driving there... together."

*   *   *

I quickly packed my stuff into a few bags, smushing it into the small car while Hanji rechecks everything. We packed a few more cash in our pockets and cleared the whole car of any trash. And soon, we were prepared to leave. But first things first... ramen for my one and only girlfriend.

We must've sat in that restaurant for 2 hours, full on Hanji's favorite food, and we were forced to leave by her pleas. The sad thing was... no one knew I was planning to go with Hanji to her college. I saw the sign, saying that I was leaving this sad city for almost a lifetime. I was born here, I grew up here, I fell in love here. So many memories... so much pain and suffering... and I was leaving it.

"Levi, is everything alright?" I turned to see Hanji staring at me with confusion glittering her eyes. 

I smiled towards her, kissing her cheek. "Yeah... it's just sad we're leaving this together..."

"I know, Levi... but I'm sure we can do this together... alright? We did it before, and we can do it again."

"Yeah, and I'm sure of it, Hanji. It's just that... remember the time when we first met? When we were playing games together and how we fell for each other. Honestly, I thought I was gonna lose you to Erwin- that rat bastard." I began to growl when I mentioned his name. He kept complaining how he was desperately in love with her.

Her light chuckles seemed to lighten the mood, granting a new life in this life. "I thought I would've fallen for him too if we didn't kiss that day..." She chuckles, kissing me. "Let's go, Levi..."

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