c̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 7

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William had gone home and now it was only me and chris. They had stayed at my house TIL 7pm but William went off to help josh and Noah.
We were watching a horror movie which was terrifying can I say but it made me forget about everything at school. Everything that happened was now forgotten and I didn't want to remember.
"I better go it's getting kinda late" he began getting up but I grabbed his hand and he turned his head round
"Can you stay with me?" I asked him. I suddenly felt vulnerable and I never show this in front of a lot of people. It was dark andI felt him lay  on the sofa next to me and pull me into him so he could wrap his arms round which he did.
"Goodnight chris" I whispered into the darkness
"Goodnight Scarlett" after a few minutes of silence I felt something poke my ass
"You're little friend down there is getting too excited" of course chris fucking schistad had a boner at this moment. He always had bad timing..
"Who said it was little" I scoffed and he put a pillow in between us. A very thin pillow so I could still feel it but I wasn't that bothered. My vision went black and before I knew it I was asleep...
While the girl slept the boy next to her admired her features. He never knew how he got lucky to even talk to this girl let alone share a bed..
I lifted my eyes open and stretchers my arms out then realising there was no chris next to me but a note
"Good morning beautiful...I left early in the morning so you're brother and his friend won't see me :) see you at school, chris" I smiled at the letter then lifted myself off the couch and got dressed

I left early in the morning so you're brother and his friend won't see me :) see you at school, chris" I smiled at the letter then lifted myself off the couch and got dressed

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*ignore the fluffy coat in the pic x

Chris wasn't in school all day today and neither was William. I wondered where they were but I still continued with my school day even if I wasn't paying any attention at all. My mind always wondered back to chris. I hated him for making me feel this way. Making me feel so anxious whenever I see him. I needed to take my mind off things and I knew exactly who to call....
A few minutes later I was in a empty classroom unzipping the zip to josh' jeans while he kissed my neck. I am no worse than chris but I needed to get my mind off him and here I am.
Once we had finished I pulled my top back on and said goodbye to josh and left the school. I had half the day left but who cares at this point. I put on one of Noah's hoodies from the boot of my car to cover hickies since I didn't bring makeup today...I'm stupid I know...
Once i got back to my house I fell back onto my sofa and let out a sigh. That short moment of pure silence ended after I heard a knock on the door. My mom had work so I had no clue who it was..it could be a murderer...well one way to find out! I opened the door and saw a very beaten up chris.
"Chris.." I put my hands on he sides of his cheeks but he winced
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I took my hands away but grabbed onto his hands and took him into my kitchen. He sat on the table and I heard another knock on the door

She's mine// Chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now