c̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 19

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I had called Noora to help me with getting a dress for the party later tonight and she wasn't much help since she was constantly on her phone.
"Noora, whats going on?" I took her phone away and she immediately leaped up to get it.
"I'm just texting William"
"But we are having girls timeee" I whined. I showed her my turned off phone
"No boys" I put a finger to my lip and giggled
"Fine" she scoffed and I put her phone in my bag
"What do you think of this?" I asked her twirling around
"I think it's a bit too..." we both looked in the mirror and tilted our heads
"Yep" I scurried back into the dressing room and got dressed into the dress I was most scared about

" we both looked in the mirror and tilted our heads"Bright?" "Yep" I scurried back into the dressing room and got dressed into the dress I was most scared about

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It was silk and silk always showed off every curve anyone had even if they didn't had any. I walked out the dressing room once more and twirled
"Girl, you look hot" Noora laughed and we went to the counter to go pay
Once we got to the counter the guy kept glancing up at me
"May I have you're number?" He finally asks
"She's taken" I felt arms wrap round my waist but they weren't chris'
The workers personality immedalty changed and he slowly took a step back and his eyes widened
"Sorry I don't know she's just very beautiful"
"I know that" the guy behind me growled
We walked off and I turned around and saw Isak
"Isak!!" I squealed and hugged him while he chuckled
"Wow, I didn't expect that to actually work" he laughed
"Thanks for saving me-" I started
"Now i saw you're dress and I've bought the perfect heels for them" he interrupts me

 I walked out the dressing room once more and twirled"Girl, you look hot" Noora laughed and we went to the counter to go pay Once we got to the counter the guy kept glancing up at me"May I have you're number?" He finally asks"Sorry-""She's taken" ...

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Loglady11 'just remember if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English' -Scarlett before eating a grape in the store😂💜

Scarlett- Hey! I'm not getting caught today
William-🤭😳you stole!!
Josh- she's a rebel now😧
Isak- they don't understand the struggle of being a rebel🙂

Isak was getting ready and since i was in the penetrators they don't have preparties.
"Let's go! We have to be early because penetrators have to early!" Isak threw my bag at me and luckily, I caught it.
"I still can't believe you're a penetrator" he laughs once I almost trip on the last step
"It feels odd but right" I shrugged
"I'll always at they're meetings anyway so there wasn't really a huge difference" he hopped in my new car. I still had the old one but this one was definitely my favourite now.

The journey there was long but it didn't feel like it since most of the time it was filled with me and Isak singing to throwback songs he put on

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The journey there was long but it didn't feel like it since most of the time it was filled with me and Isak singing to throwback songs he put on.
Isak opened the door for me and I walked through it
"Where's Evan?" I asked him
"Right over there" he pointed and made his way over there
I let out a sigh and then spotted the drinks. Me and Eva were supposed to be 'enemies' but the drinks took over the two of us and we were immediately dancing together sometimes making out for the fun of it. And then josh decided to join. I smirked while he danced infront of me.

Kinda like above but switched round

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Kinda like above but switched round.
I held eye contact with chris while I grinded on josh and danced with Eva. After the song i walked over to chris and pushed him against a wall
"Where've you been?" He asked licking his lips slightly
"Out and about" I said avoiding eye contact. He placed his hand underneath my chin and made me face his way. 
"Let's go back to my place" he whispered

She's mine// Chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now