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y/n were out the door of the gym, and walking down the street. "i have no idea where we're going. so show us the way magic man." y/n said, referring to his powers.

five gently grabbed y/n's hand "let's do this thing sweets" he smirked then spatial jumped to their destination.

they appeared in front of a large building that y/n was unsure of. "what IS this place?" she asked.

"you'll see" five unattached his hand from y/n's and walked into the building.

y/n trailed close behind as they walked through the doors. the girl was amazed by how high tech this place looked.

"what is this place again?" she asked five.

"this is where we're going to find out who owns this eye. and thats how we're gonna save the world." five looked straight ahead. walking up to a desk.

five stood in the reception area, taking in his surroundings. y/n sat on a small bench beside the wall. five was about to turn around and leave with y/n when a man walked up to him. "can i help you?" the man asked.

five turned around swiftly as y/n looked up at the two startled by the man coming out of no where.

"um yeah. i was wondering where this came from," he said as he pulled out the prosthetic eye.

"where'd you find this?" the man asked five.

"uhh... the park!" five pointed to me, "we found it at the bottom of the slide. someone must of been having too much fun and it just popped out," he clicked his tongue and gave a sly grin.

"right... well i'll be happy to take that off your hands and return it to its owner" the man reached for the prosthetic eye.

fives face went cold, "i dont think thats gonna happen," he shoved the eye back into his pocket.

"now you listen here young man" the man started pointing at five.

"these files are strictly confidential and you'll need consent from the owner to see them. so if i could just take that-" the man was cut off by y/n who was standing next to five now.

"yeah you're not touching this eye" y/n said her voice filled with venom.

"so you listen to me a!shole," five started, grabbing the older mans shirt collar, " ive come along way for this. through some sh!t your pea brain couldnt even comprehend, so just give me the information i need and ill be on my merry way."

"and if you call me young man one more time i'll put your head through the g!dd!mn wall" five finished.

the doctor whispered to the receptionist to call security, but y/n jumped to the phone before he finished his sentence.

"i don't think that will do you any good" y/n smirked.

the lady at the desk huffed and backed her chair up out of fear. "five i think its time to go. we wont get anything outta them," y/n recommended, still standing at the phone.

"alright let's roll".

five roughly released the doctor, and y/n dropped the entire phone receiver on the ground, letting it smash before they left.

five and y/n walked out the door feeling tuffer than ever. five looked over at y/n and licked his lips.

y/n sat on the steps outside of the building with realization flushing her, "we got absolutely nowhere with that. how the f!ck are you supposed to save the world without any info?" y/n rambled on, stressing herself out.

"hey hey calm down y/n" five grabbed both of her hands.

"no. no we need to come back tomorrow. and bring one of your siblings or something. and i dunno, scare some info out of him?" y/n pulled her hands away from five and held her head in her hands put of frustration.

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