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something clicked in y/n's head, "what is we were brought here to help you stop the apocalypse? i mean, thats a possibility right? i dont know what else we could be trying to prevent," y/n stood up from her spot on the ground.

five stopped talking and pulled his attention to y/n with a confused look across his face.

y/n trailed her gaze in five, noticing his confused look. "did i say something?" y/n asked.

"elaborate" were the only words that left his mouth.

"there doesnt seem to be much to elaborate on, in a sense. niall and i were told that we were brought HERE for a reason. we were brought to YOU, right before an apocalypse is supposed to occur," y/n let on, "does that sound like a coincidence to you?"

"i'll think on it and do the math" five said making himself sound smarter since he kinda felt like the dumb one for a minute.

y/n scoffed, knowing there wasnt any 'math' needed to be done, "you dont need to be oh-so-holy every second, five," y/n teased.

five didn't take y/n's comment oh so lightly and rolled his eyes in return.

"i didnt mean it like that and you know it." y/n replied, punching his shoulder lightly.

"ok" five mumbled under his breath sighing. Y/n gives him a quick smile and that's when he finally noticed that they're just standing in a alley way.

"this is sketchy," five grabbed y/ns arm and pulled her to the sidewalk, "lets get out of here."

"where to next thee oh brave knight?!" y/n leaned against five putting her hand on her forehead.

"i forgot how dramatic you were," five laughed. "now i know youre going to protest, but we're going back to the academy."

"fiveeeeee" y/n dragged out his name.

"im going with you. we're just going to rest up for the night, and then we will set out tomorrow, " five grimaced, "with klaus."

"yes" y/n quietly fist pumped to herself.

after this, y/n had a jump in her step and walked in front of five.

"w-w-w-w-w-wait" she put her hand on five's chest.

"wait?" five stopped in his tracks as the girl lifted her outstretched hand from his chest.

"milkshakes?" y/n asked.

"we just got here though" five sighed.

"pleaseeee!!! im starving!!" y/n pleaded.

"there's food in the house" five rolled his eyes trying to move past y/n.

"but im hungry for a milkshake!" y/n said.

five teleported away and came back seconds later with a milkshake for y/n.

"youre amazing." y/n exclaimed as she took the drink out of fives hand and took a sip.

"i know i am" five walked in front of her and into the house.

y/n followed the boy up the steps and through the hallways, not really knowing her way around.

"soooo, where are we headed?" y/n asked the now noticing short but intimidating boy in front of her.

"my room," the boy started with an emotionless face, "youll be sleeping there and ill take the couch downstairs."

"now that's not fair is it" y/n pouted.

"fair enough..." five mumbled to himself as he grabbed extra blankets from the closet.

y/n smiled at him and walked over to his bed to take a seat.

so we kinda stopped and forgot about this so idk if there will be more chapters

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