1. Ceremony of the Release of an Angel

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Somewhere in Heaven, a ceremony was taking place, a ceremony for the release of an angel- the first of its kind in over 100 years. Y/n, a beautiful angel with medium brown hair, was elected as the angel to study Earth. Her job was to study life on Earth for exactly 365 days, on the 365th, she would have to go back to Heaven and report whether or not it was safe enough for angels to re-inhabit Earth.

"Y/n, oh how I will miss you, please don't forget me, promise to pray to me every week!" Kirine smiled, embracing Y/n in a tight hug. Kirine was Y/n's best friend since creation. "Ahaha, Kirine, I'll pray to you every night; you'll never stop being my best friend. Oh Lord how I'll miss all of you." Y/n laughed. Her melodic voice echoed in the release room. All of the angels found her attractive- why even the heterosexual females and homosexual males found themselves drooling in her presence. Yes, angels had a natural essence that drew mortals to them, but Y/n... She was breathtaking. That is simply the reason why no angel would dare reject her offer as Prophecy; all she did was ask to be in her position, and not one angel declined. Y/n was blind to her beauty, and had no idea what she could do with her gift- but enough about Y/n.

Down below the Heavens, Earth was populated by humans; and a few demons. The population on Earth has changed since the last angel fled- for there was only one category of humans. Since then, Heroes and Villains were introduced. With that, a few rather.. questionable... humans brought a few demons from Hell to help them with their villainous acts. That of course backfired; now as you know most of the more notorious villains are in fact, demons. One of the most notorious demonic villains happened to be named Black Hat. Nobody knew how he came to be, although some speculate he was one of the first original 6 to be summoned by greedy humans. Nevertheless, he is probably the most dangerous out of all the villains- even the non-demonic ones. He's gotten away with so much, and has overruled the world... too many times to count. He never really is defeated, more like postponed for another time; a time where humanity is at its weakest point.

Black Hat looked out of his window. The sun was setting on a cold December night, the 30th specifically. He knew that when he woke up, he would have to look forward to a whole new year of evil. But- one thing he was not looking forward to was the loud booming of fireworks. It was a tradition for humans to light fireworks at 12AM to celebrate the coming of a new year, a tradition that Black Hat despised. He always hated the unnecessary amount of loud noise that came along with the fireworks, the obnoxious amount of lighting in the sky, and the cheer of all the drunks in the neighborhoods. Fortunately for Black Hat, not one mortal who practiced this tradition lived in his neighborhood- come to think of it... Nobody lived in their neighborhood ever since Black Hat moved in. He thought of it as an achievement, having all of the town residents flee because of his villainous nature; he was quite proud of himself.

Watching the clock going from 10:59 to 11, he dreaded knowing that only an hour remained until the fiasco of celebration would begin. He closed his curtains and sat back down in his desk, looking at the tedious stack of paperwork. The rest of his crew were likely planning their own celebrations downstairs. He would let them do as they please for the last hour- only because there was literally no more work to be done for the year- but as long as there were no fireworks and they kept him out if it, Black Hat didn't mind. He sat at his desk, brainstorming new evil ideas for the future, ways to defend his title, and what he would do to those pesky heroes. As Black Hat was busy loosing himself in thought, his crew below were having their own time.

"Demencia, you know what B-boss said, we cannot light ANY fireworks! You know what will happen if we do... it won't be good." Dr. Flug had said. He was the scientist of the group. He created every product that Black Hat Inc. sells, and he's extremely intelligent. "I know, I know! It's just everyone else makes it look so fun. Maybe one year we can sneak out and light fireworks in the City where everyone else is at!" Demencia giggled, "I think fireworks are pretty, and I really want to see them up close, don't you 5?" 505 nodded and made a small smile. "I know you guys... I think it would be nice to see them to, but there's a slim chance that we would even get to sneaking out with Boss on our tails. I wouldn't want Boss to catch us-" Demencia rolled her eyes. "C'mon Flugger! You're no fun! You worry too much." Demencia then went to check the clock. It was 11:34. Almost time!

Demencia and 505 were both creations, or rather experiments, gone wrong. 505 was supposed to be a killing machine, but something went wrong and 505 popped out as a cuddly, harmless teddy bear. He usually helps clean the mansion and assists Flug or Black Hat whenever needed, and is by far the most innocent villain to ever step foot on Earth. Demencia, on the other hand is feral. She's a teenage wreck with lizard and human mixed DNA. She's a wild one, always hyper and bursting with energy. She doesn't really help around normal work, but she's amazing in combat. Other than that, she usually pesters Flug and messes up most of his experiments. She has a giant crush on Black Hat, and it's a mystery on how she hasn't "disappeared" yet.

"Y/n, 30 minutes." Ika called out. Y/n smiled softly. She made her way to her brother in the crowd of wings. "Michael, you said you wanted to speak to me before I left." She spoke, reaching for her brother's hand. "Yes, Y/n," Michael started, "I need you a favour- a favour for you when you reach Earth." Y/n softly caressed Michael's hand. "Of course, brother. What is it you need?" She asked. "I know this is a hard topic for you, for anyone.. but there's a rumour that Father is on Earth-" Y/n's smile faded. "Brother. I was already going to search. It is the main reason I volunteer for this position, and I will stop at nothing to find him and finally being order to Heaven." She explained, letting go of Michael's hand. "That's my Y/n..." Michael smiled, "I bid you farewell." And with those final words, Y/n and Michael embraced and left eachother.
For the last time.

"Y/n! 5 minutes, you have to go now!" Ika called back. Y/n waved back to her angel friends and went to the golden arches. She greeted Ika with a smile and turned around to the crowd. "I will miss you all, my dear friends... I'll pray every night, I will see you all in 365 days!" Y/n shouted, and turned back around to face the gates. A portal opened as Ika released the gates, and with a nod back to her comrades, she dove into the swirling wonder.

Michael waved one last time as the portal closed. He knew he would never see her again.

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