4. Pained Waiting

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"Flug! Demencia! 5!" A loud voice boomed from inside of Black Hat's office. "I need you three front and center!"

Three bodies appeared almost immediately in front of the looming figure. Black Hat.
"We are going somewhere today." He stated, bracing himself for the utter chaos that was about to unravel.
"OH BOY! WE'RE GOING OUT? WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" Demencia shouted in pure excitement. 505 giggled and started to cheer. Those two haven't been out of the house in... well... saying how long would make the reader worried, and we don't want that :) Dr. Flug nodded silently and went on his way to get ready. He went out often to find materials and such, so it was no big deal, plus, he already knew what was going to happen to the two that were making a cacophony.
"SILENCE FOOLS!" Black Hat shouted, making everything in a 5 mile radius shake. The two stopped immediately, Demencia uttering a small "Sorry,," to the big guy.
And with that they were sent out of the large, dark room. Demencia was aching to know the location of which they were heading. So, she located the only other talking being that wouldn't rip her to shreds.
"Fluuug! Do you have any idea where the Hell we're going?!" Demencia whined. Dr. Flug gave a sigh and shook his head.
"If it's with you two it's either we have someone to meet or nowhere important at all." Flug replied. He grabbed a small bag and filled it with small necessities that he would need- just enough for today's little trip.
Meanwhile, Black Hat was having his own little fun trying to figure out how to work a "smartphone".

"I told you like a bazillion times how to start a call Blacky! I'm not always gonna be there to be your mommy." Darke scolded into the phone camera. "Oh shut up! You are not being my 'mommy'. And I do know how to start a call- I just... I just want you to do all the work!" Black Hat angrily replied. Darke shook her head and smirked.
"Yeah. Suuree. You know Blacky, what if you meet a girl someday and have to show off your knowledge on technology. I mean how embarrassing would it be for you to be in the middle of a lovely relationship and still have no idea how to text her a simple goodnight-!"
Black Hat was thrown off by Darke's idea of Black Hat ever in a working relationship. "Dear Luci Black Hat! We've had this talk too many times! There's bound to be someone out there for you~☆" Darke insisted. Black Hat groaned in annoyance, blocking his hearing. "Oh yeah, real mature Blacky! I swear, if you act like this in front of Y/n-"
Who's Y/n?
Black Hat was intrigued by this new mention of a character.
"Vineme, who's Y/n?" Black Hat questioned with an evil grin. Darke froze, beads of sweat forming onto her pale skin. "No one special- I mean-! She's very special! She's my newest employee and I've been telling her stories about you, so you better live up to them or it will be extremely embarrassing for me!" Darke explained in a rush. Black Hat sensed she was hiding something from him, but he brushed it off. "I'm pretty sure you're the only being that I've so called 'disappointed'. That's only because you yourself are so much of a disappointment you can hardly distinguish you're own kind and true evil." Black Hat fired. Darke frowned. "Ouch Black Hat, I just don't want to let her down. I really like this one too..." Darke replied softly, a little hurt. "Hurry up and get here quickly. I'm tired of waiting." She said in a monotone voice and hung up the call. Black Hat scoffed. It wasn't his fault Darke got her feelings hurt... she started it. Black Hat sighed, getting out of his desk and joining the rest of the group, which were patiently waiting at the door.

"Ms. Darke, is everything alright?" Y/n asked Darke in a soothing voice. Darke looked up, reassured from the angel's aura. "Yes dear, everything is alright." She sighed, slumping her head on her desk.
"It is not. Your stress levels are very high, and I've noticed this is the first time you've rested in place all day." Y/n proceeded to massage Darke's back. Y/n's fingertips lit a light yellow glow as she pressed her stress relieving massage in circular motions. "Ah! Oh my, darling where did you learn how to do that?" Darke asked, relaxing her body. Y/n chuckled. "Gabriel taught me healing massages. I can also heal wounds almost instantly and make medical soups." She explained, continuing her motion. Darke smiled happily. "My, Y/n. I truly am lucky to have met you." Y/n was happy that she was being helpful. This was the first on a long time that other beings other than angels had interacted with her. She loved the way others spoke and they're movements- everything amazed her. She wrote paragraphs about each encounter, staying up late at night just to finish her journal.
"Thank you so much, Y/n. I have no idea what I would do without you." Darke said, getting up to finish preparing a few tables. Y/n followed. She didn't want to be nosy; but she secretly heard Darke arguing with another figure in the morning when she was just getting out of bed. Y/n was a curious angel, not many were like her. It was part of the reason she was sent; for it was in her nature to investigate.
"Ms. Darke?" Y/n called, setting cups on tables. Darke looked back at Y/n. "What is it dear?"
"Well, it's just that I heard you shouting at someone through your... what is it called-! Cellphone! Yes, I heard you shouting at someone and I'm growing worried." Y/n said, visible strain and worry in her speech. "Y/n dear, I was just talking to Black Hat. It's how we usually talk, for he's a bit more... aggressive. It's alright though. I still love him." Darke said with a smile. Sure, her and Black Hat had their disputes, but they would never go too far. Black Hat knows that Darke could end his life then and there. Darke knows how smart Black Hat can be. And despite they're fighting, they're still close friends- almost siblings.
"He'd never do anything to hurt me, I can promise you that Y/n. Speaking of which, he should be arriving very soon!" Darke spoke, hussling to set the rest of the tables. Y/n was growing increasingly curious about this "Black Hat". She was aching to meet him; but still cautious because he was another demon. She knew not all demons were going to be as calm and understanding as Ms. Darke. And she knew that Black Hat was famously a killer. She quickly memorized her Hell-banishing chant, just for safe measures, hoping she never would get the chance to use it on him, or anybody. As Darke raced around seemingly every corner of the building, Y/n silently walked out the building and sat in one of the outdoor chairs. She wanted to take a quick breather before she met Black Hat, the most notorious demon on Earth.

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