3. First Day On the Job!

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Y/n awoke from her slumber at exactly 7AM. Slipping out of bed, Y/n examined her surroundings. Empty shelves housed spider families with dust particles as the foundation. The walls were blank, a few thumb tacks left in the wall as if it once held something. As Y/n pondered on what the tacks may have suspended, Vineme Darke had rose from her bed in the other room. That's right... It's Y/n's first day! Darke reminded herself. She quickly sprang to get Y/n's outfit ready. Darke has never seen an angel work in a villain-oriented organization... or an angel to work at all! She panicked a little... this was such a big responsibility for her- she needed to make a good impression, what if she tells all of her angel friends-!
Darke took in a deep breath. You're going to be alright Darke... just treat her like a normal employee. She reassured herself. Preparing Y/n's outfit, she realized she had no idea what Y/n's taste was in clothing. Darke softly knocked on the door. Y/n perked up, making her way to the door.
"Yes?" She answered. Y/n opened the door to see Darke holding up two articles of clothing. "I ask all of my employees this question, I really do wish that you'll be most comfortable." Darke started, "Y/n, do you prefer skirts or pants?" Y/n smiled warmly. She found Darke's actions quite considerate. "I would love a skirt, Ms. Darke." Y/n answered politely. Darke exchanged a smile and handed her a skirt and a button up. Y/n thanked the demon and began to get dressed.

Darke had gave Y/n the waitress position. She taught her what do do and the basic rules and pay for the position and to report any incidents within her time working. Y/n had jotted down all of the notes onto a piece of scratch paper and kept it inside her pocket. She was very big on writing. Y/n was the type of angel to record almost anything with significance, which is also part of the reason she wanted to participate in her role as Researcher- a journalist angel if you must.

Y/n's first day as a waitress went exceptionally well. She responded very well with her orders and even made friends with a few villains! Y/n, being the social butterfly (angel?) had easily made conversation with almost everybody. Little did she know they were almost all conversing about her.... looks.
"Damn Skremme! Check out the new chick." A villain whispered to their partner. "Shut up Tinve, she might hear you!" The partner growled, blush on his face. Many of the customers had the same reaction. Those that were mortals were simply drawn to her by nature. Y/n Of course had no idea that some of the customers were saying such vulgar things, but she enjoyed working with others.
"Y/n, it seems you've taken a liking to this job rather quickly!" Zander, a co-worker had pointed out. Y/n smiled. "Yes, I love talking to people. In Heaven, I was one of the better known angels despite the fact I wasn't even an archangel." She explained. Zander chuckled. "Well whatever your story is, I'm just glad to have somebody like you around the place."

Darke noticed how well Y/n was working. She was so excited to tell her best friend about how well her new employee was doing. In case you are wondering, Darke's best friend is noneother than the notorious Black Hat. The two grew up together, practically brother and sister; even though Black Hat doesn't show it, he does in fact appreciate her existance. Darke loves annoying the literal Hell out of Black Hat and whenever she has free time, picks a place to hang out with him. Darke then rethought her decision of telling Black Hat about how an ANGEL works for her. See, Black Hat has always told her to be careful of the winged sweethearts, and that they will rip apart any demon on sight. Perhaps Black Hat won't see her wings, I mean, seems every other villain just sees her as a very pretty human. But Darke forgot the one rule, which is that only demons could see angel wings. Black Hat would most likely be in town in the next few days, so Darke had all the time in the world to notify Y/n of Black Hat's appearance. All the time in the world but she still acted like it was last minute.

Sliding herself over to Y/n, she almost knocks over a vase. Luckily Y/n was there to catch it.
"Darke! My, you need to be careful. You almost hurt yourself." Y/n scolded. Darke chuckled. "Yeah, I know, I know. Anyways I've come to tell you something really important to tell you." Y/n tilted her head.
"Okay..? Tell me, Darke."
"Y/n, so basically in the next few days a really important being is going to be coming to the cafe. He's kinda feared by literally everyone and kind of like a brother to me. His name is Black Hat and things may get a bit chaotic." Darke explained. Y/n simply smiled and nodded her head. "I'm a quick learner. I'm sure I can handle it, but I do have a question for you." She said. Darke nodded approvingly. "Well, what kind of being is he? A demon, an angel, what species is he?" Y/n asked.
"Oh! Well, he's a demon; like me."

With that, Y/n skipped along to the next table to take the couple's order. Darke smiled at her. She felt happy that she made friends with a being that was supposed to rip her to shreds on sight. It was like a large weight was lifted from her inner mind. But she quickly gained a new worrisome thought. She wondered how Black Hat would react to her, and what would Y/n do if he became too aggressive? Shaking away her problems, Darke continued to run the cafe. She was too busy for those type of thoughts.

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