5. His Arrival...

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The bell chimed as four dark figures walked in, catching the attention of every one in the vicinity of the cafe. Everyone froze as soon as they realized who had walked in.

Black Hat.

Y/n turned her head to see the figures as she happily walked over to them with a smile on her face.
"Greetings, I am Y/n, and you must be Black Hat. It's a pleasure to finally be in your presence, take a seat wherever you'd like!" She greeted. Black Hat gave her a glare and walked to an empty table. Everyone else in the cafe continues their conversations, still fearing for the world's most dangerous villain had stepped foot inside the very cafe they were in. Black Hat studied his surroundings. He noticed the employees, the customers, everyone. And for starting on her own, Black Hat was quite proud of Darke for figuring things out on her own. His attention then drifted to another figure, the same who had greeted them at the start. What drew his eyes were the giant wings protruding from her back. He studied her movements; they were with such grace and delicacy. It made him sick. He knew what she was. And he was not happy with it.
Meanwhile Demencia was having her own fun. She was grabbing the attention of bystanders and other villains, trying to make conversation and what not. It was hard for Flug to keep her in place as she was feral.
5 sighed, placing Demencia in a bear-grip. Nobody could escape 5's bear-grips. Demencia pouted and whined, but she eventually calmed down as a demon popped out from the back of the little cafe.
She caught Black Hat's attention.
"Ah Black Hat, it's been awhile hasn't it?" Darke smiled. Black Hat looked up at her.
"Indeed it has. I like what you've done with the place."
"Thanks, I learned only from the best!" Darke started to laugh. Black Hat quickly glanced around.
"Vineme, I need to talk to you about that girl." Black Hat said rather abruptly. Darke gulped. "Listen, I know what you're thinking but I think you should wait a little until we discuss her. Give it a chance."
Y/n slid over to the table in which every one was gathered at. She studied Black Hat, his form, his clothing. She found him particularly interesting. She was drawn to his face, she wanted to reach out and touch him.
"Hello again, Black Hat. I must say, I have heard a lot about you from Ms. Darke," Y/n chuckled, "I am very honored to be meeting you; so may I take your order?"
Black Hat looked Y/n up and down. She was an angel. She could kill him in an instant, send him to Hell, torture him, yet he kept his posture. He was willing to put up a fight if necessary.
"One black coffee." Black Hat replied coldly. Y/n wrote it down as she took everyone else's order. Walking to get everyone's orders, she kept glancing back at Black Hat. Something about him intrigued her, she wanted to study him, write about him, and maybe she could. Maybe she could get the chance to talk to him about Heaven!
She already knew he was weary around her- his energy told her that he wasn't quite fond of her, but she was determined to change that.

Y/n came back with everyone's orders and noticed how Black Hat was eyeing her.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" Y/n asked. Black Hat squinted at her.
"How the Hell did you get here?" He replied, coming closer to the angel. Y/n jumped a bit at his motion, staying silent. She grew nervous, for she never did well with confrontation. Black Hat then looked at Flug.
"You see it, right? Her wings?"
Dr. Flug looked confused. "What wings..?" He asked. Demencia studied the angel. "Black Hat that beauty has no wings! Are you blind?" She laughed. Y/n gave a small smile. Humans and other mortals were unable to see the wings of high powered beings like Y/n, only others like natural monsters, demons, and other angels were deserving enough to be blessed with the sight of wings.
"You aren't demon, are you?" She asked Demencia. Demencia shook her head. Darke started to sweat.
"Ha-ha! Black Hat, I believe you haven't formally met Y/n! And I mean meet meet Y/n, she's a real sweetheart and she's interested in the villain business!" She spat out nervously. Black Hat looked a bit shocked. The first angel on Earth since the 1700's wants to invest in the villain business? Black Hat turned his attention back on the angel. She had a calming look in her eyes.
"Let me get this straight, you, an angel, wants to invest in evil?" Black Hat laughed. Flug looked up at the word "angel". Didn't he tell us that angels disappeared from Earth in 1775...?
Y/n nodded slightly, pulling a chair from a nearby table.
"Excuse my unprofessional notions, but I'm very interested in this new item. We really missed a lot of Earth's development in Heaven, for we simply never pay attention to it. But I have been recruited from my family to learn and study on Earth to see if Earth will be re-inhabited by angels. And I'm very, very intrigued by you, Black Hat. I want to learn about you." Y/n explained, slightly embarrassed. Black Hat took in the information, processing it. Meanwhile Darke was getting antsy, silently panicking about Black Hat. Demencia decided to break the silence as usual.
"Y/n! You're an angel!? You mean those floaty flying things that kill demons n' stuff?"
Y/n chuckled.
"No, we do not kill all demons, since my time here I've learned that demons can be very different from the textbooks. And even if I were to encounter a violent demon, it would never be my priority to harm them. For I believe that even demons deserve life."
Everyone seemed to be very interested in Y/n, asking her questions of Heaven and what not. Darke's nerves finally calmed, seeing that Y/n was handling everything well. Even with Black Hat's cold comments every now and then, Y/n kept herself calmed. Y/n admired these villains. They happened to be the first she actually had pleasant conversation with, though Black Hat didn't talk much, she could sense his thoughts were bouncing around.

It was getting late, and Black Hat decided it was time for them to leave.
"Well, you have proven to have had the better judgement. You have done well converting a being of such high power to join us villains. I will be seeing you soon, Vineme," Black Hat stated, getting up and signaling the others to follow. Black Hat then turned to Y/n, giving her a card. It had the address of the B.H. Organization on it, along with the phone number to call. Y/n looked up with a gleam in her eyes and smiled.
"Thank you, Black Hat."
"I don't need your thanks, angel."
And with that, he left; Y/n still examining the carefully made card.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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