Chapter 3 - Day 1 - Curtis

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I walked out the door and headed to the car. 

I put my favourite playlist on and pulled out of the drive. The butterflies from Takashi's kisses still soaring in my stomach as I merged onto the highway.

I drove past my regular exit and headed towards the city. I had an errand to do before I went into work, and only had a limited time to do it in if I was going to beat Takashi to work.

I had meant to leave the house way earlier this morning, but Takashi had been so stressed lately, so I decided to spoil him with a cooked breakfast. And boy did my man deserve spoiling.


Takashi always took so much on. He would do anything to help ease anyone's suffering. He had basically come back to Earth with four children, and a whole mixed bag of a family. Then with everything that had happened with Adam, he felt he had to take responsibility there too.

He was only 30 years old, and while the group were all there for each other, and would do anything for him, he felt so much more responsible for the young ones, especially Keith and Pidge.

It wasn't that I resented Adam or any of the others, I loved them all like my own family, I just wished they could all get some peace. They had all been through so much and deserved a chance at a normal life.

And Takashi deserved a day where he didn't have to worry about whether Adam was sleeping, or Lance was eating, or how Pidge was going with her parents, or if Keith was managing his anxiety, or if Hunk, Allura, Coran, or anyone else in his very large family, were safe, wherever they were.

He deserved a night of uninterrupted sleep. Even when Adam slept through, Takashi hadn't had a peaceful night rest since I met him. He was always muttering and moaning and waking up in sweats.


I pull into the parking lot in front of the small shop.

Hidden between the big buildings, you wouldn't have known it was there if you hadn't been looking for it. The unique little shop looked both out of place, and out of time. I was thankful to Pidge for helping me find this gem months ago.

"Ah, Curtis! So nice to see you again!" came a friendly voice, as a stunningly tall humanoid alien steps out from behind the counter. She had beautiful skin, in shades of pink, with luscious green vine-like hair that wound its way down past her knees.

"So lovely to see you as well, Gupil," I replied bowing my head slightly in a sign of respect.

"I have your order all ready to go, would you like to look before I wrap it up?" she asked, her three forest green eyes blinking, slightly out of sync.

"Please!" I reply, excitedly.

She steps through to the back room, and comes back with a large, square box.

"Both with a stone from each of the planets on your list, as requested," she says, showing me her beautiful workmanship in the box. Two matching bracelets shone up at me.

Pidge had helped me create a list of all the planets they had visited, and help save, when they were part of the Voltron team. Gupil had painstakingly sourced a stone from each of these planets, encasing each of them in a silver-blue metal, to create a beautiful intricate design.

"Those that were left," she added with a sad look on her face. She had come from a distant planet who had been totally wiped out during the war. There were few of her species left, and those who had wanted to find a stable home had taken up residence here on Earth. Many species had. It had become a real hub for intergalactic travel and asylum, and it was nothing strange to now see multiple species every time you walked down the street.

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