Chapter 4 - Day 1 - Adam

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A/n: Trigger warning. I'm going to go into Adam's condition in a little more detail, and medical procedures will be discussed (although not in detail) and his time in the prisoner camp will be BRIEFLY mentioned. If you want to skip that, stop reading at the first lot of *****, and start reading again after the second lot of *****

Also, would love to hear from anyone that is still reading!

I waved to Curtis as he walked out the door, and turned back to finish my breakfast. Lex was singing to herself as she made Shiro and I coffee, and herself a hot chocolate.

Shiro grabbed a stool, and brought it around the bench to sit across from me. We chatted away happily as I finished my breakfast.

I really loved the mornings where he started a little later. It was good to have my friend back. It was like when we first met at the Garrison, before we let things get in the way. I could almost forget everything that had happened between then and now.

We chatted about the coming weeks, the wedding, and everyone coming into town.

"I just hope we have room for everyone," he laughed, "I hope we haven't forgotten anyone when we organised accommodation, and if we did, I hope it wasn't anyone that will hold a grudge!" he bit his lower lip, a sign he was really stressing.

"We've been over the guest list with a fine-toothed comb, we've checked over and over again, to make sure everyone is catered for," I tried to reassure him, "but if you want, I can take another look, just to be sure!"

"You're a lifesaver Ad's, I don't know how I would have gotten through this all without you and the team. Put me on the frontline, or desert me on some far-away moon, and I could sort it out. No worries. But this!" he sighed, "This is a whole new ball game!"

"Is there anything else I can do to help out?" I ask, "I feel so bad about not being able to help more!"

"Adam, don't be silly!" he said, shaking his head. "You designed, printed, and put together all of our invitations. You helped put the menu together. You've had welcome signs, and seating charts printed, and you painstakingly put together all those guest gifts and place cards. The only thing that's left for you to do, apart from this fitting on Saturday, is to show up."

"And not fall flat on my face!" I say quietly.

Lex gives me a reproachful look as she hands us our coffees.

"We've been practising so much, and you haven't had a fall in weeks!" she reminds me.

"I know. But I want it to be perfect!" I can feel the frustration building.

"You will be fine!" Shiro scolds me, "And I've told you, time and time again, if you need to use the frame, I don't care, as long as you're by my side! You have worked so hard, and have come so far, we are all very, very proud of you!"

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. It had been a long journey, but I still had so far to go.


I can remember the day when the doctors first gave me that little spark of hope.

I had been in the hospital for a couple of weeks by that time, and had been put through a myriad of tests. I had been poked and prodded, I'd had countless x-rays and scans, had mental and physical exams galore. I knew I wasn't the only patient. There were hundreds of us, in a vast range of conditions, and I was by no means the worst off, but they were telling me all my problems, but not how we were going to fix them, and I was getting tired of it.

I was sitting in my room with Lance when two nurses came in with a wheelchair to collect me. I rolled my eyes, as they helped me down from the bed, assuming they were taking me for another test.

"Would you mind if Mr McClain accompanied us?" one of the nurses asked, "Sometimes we find it's better is patients have an extra pair of ears to take the information in."

I looked at him confused, "Yeah, sure, okay. Do you mind Lance?" I ask

"Not at all!" he said, jumping up from his chair by the window.

They wheeled me down the hall, and into a large room, where the walls were covered with x-rays and printouts.

A team was seated around the table, all looking through notes, and having discussions using words I didn't understand. I swallowed a hard lump in my throat as they pushed me up to the end of the table, and Lance sat down beside me.

"Good afternoon Adam!" the Doctor at the head of the table looked up and gave me a reassuring smile. She was the doctor I had dealt with the most through my time here, and she was leading the exploration into my condition. "And thank you for coming, Lance," she added, tucking a strand of wavy strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

"As you know, yours has been a difficult case to work through, Adam," She began in her kind Australian accent, "there have been so many factors we have had to look into, and take into consideration, when coming up with the best plan of action in helping you on your way."

"Obviously your mobility has been our biggest concern, but we have to make sure we look after all aspects of your health at the same time."

"When you first came in, we ran a number of tests, and we were worried that your malnutrition may have a lasting effect on your health, and the function of your organs," she continued.

"We spoke to you, of course, about the condition your legs are in, about the weakness of your muscles, particularly those in your stomach and legs, your bowel issues, the slight concern we had with your kidneys, and the concerns we had regarding your lung function."

"We have been monitoring all that closely, and we are happy to say that with the care and treatment we have given you, the kidneys are going to be completely fine, the lung function tests, while not 100% have improved dramatically, and we have been successful in getting you up to the point where we can consider surgery to correct the bowel, and to realign those legs."

"Your gastroenterologist will come to speak to you in more detail about that surgery when he gets back from visiting patients in a hospital down South, but it's fairly straightforward, and he has done it hundreds of times."

"Your legs, however, are what we are focusing on today," she paused.

"The one thing we can say about the Galra is that, while I know they put you through horrible, horrible things, the fact that they had you strapped to that table allowed your bones to knit together in a way to minimise permanent damage. Your nerves are fine, you can still feel your feet, and move your toes, so we are very hopeful. My team, here," she nodded around the room, "have had multiple discussions, and we believe we have determined the best plan of action."

"We will need to re-break your legs in several places and attach external fixators to the bones with a series of metal pins. You will need to have these fixators for a long time, but this, paired with rehab and strengthening exercises, and we will have you back on your feet again, Adam." Her big grin lit up her face, and I could feel the smile spreading around the table.

I sat there, dumbstruck, trying to take everything in.

"So, he's going to walk again?" Lance laughed with happiness beside me.

"With this many re-breaks, we might have to do it over multiple surgeries. It's going to be a long, hard, journey, but I'm fully confident that if he listens to his doctors, and does everything he is told, he's going to do awesome. Adam has the persistence and determination that can pull him through anything!" her smile was full of kindness, and her eyes full of determination.

We spoke for a while longer about the finer details, and organised a time for the first surgery to happen, and with a murmur of congratulations and good luck, I was wheeled back to my room to let the hope sink in.


Shiro came around the bench and wrapped his arms around me.

"Do you want me to stay home today?" he asked, "I know you've been having a bit of a hard time lately, the nightmares are getting worse, and you haven't been sleeping properly." he pulled back to look at me. "I could make cookie dough. We could watch movies together. I could pull out the gaming system?"

"It's okay, Kashi. Thank you. You've got to go to work. The universe is depending on you!" I chuckle. "You've got time off in a few weeks, you can't be taking a day off, now, just for me. I've got Lex here. I'm seeing Lance, and Rom, and the triplets later today. I'll be okay."

He gave me an appraising look, not quite sure whether to believe me.

"I'll be okay. I promise. Now go finish getting ready for work!"

He looks up at the clock on the wall, "If you're sure?" I nod, "Okay, you're right, I need to get a move on!"

He quickly rushes into his bedroom to finish getting ready, as Lex makes him a fresh coffee in his travel mug.

It had a cute little black kitten on it. Keith had gotten it for him for Christmas last year. He had thought it was hilarious. Shiro huffed about it at the time, but he really did love it.

Shiro rushed out, grabbed his coffee, and quickly kissed me and Lex on the cheek on the way past.

"I'll pick you up from Romelle's later on my way home!" he said, rushing towards the door.

"Have a good day!" I called after him.

"You too Ad's! Bye Lex!" we heard, as the door shut behind him.

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